首页>Frontiers in microbiology>WGS Analysis of Clonal and Plasmidic Epidemiology of Colistin-Resistance Mediated by <i>mcr</i> Genes in the Poultry Sector in Lebanon.
WGS Analysis of Clonal and Plasmidic Epidemiology of Colistin-Resistance Mediated by <i>mcr</i> Genes in the Poultry Sector in Lebanon.
作者单位:Laboratoire Microbiologie Santé et Environnement, Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Public Health, Lebanese University, Tripoli, Lebanon.[1]Université de Lyon - ANSES Laboratoire de Lyon, Unité Antibiorésistance et Virulence Bactériennes, Lyon, France.[2]