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Immune responses to injury and their links to eye disease.

作者: Mary Ann,Stepp [1] ; A Sue,Menko [2]
作者单位: Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC; Department of Ophthalmology, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC. [1] Department of Pathology, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Department of Ophthalmology, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Electronic address: sue.menko@jefferson.edu. [2]
关键词 2ryERMA T-helper cell that expresses high levels of IL-17 which can suppress T-regulatory cell functionA cytokine expressed early during inflammation that attracts neutrophilsA cytokine expressed early during inflammation that attracts neutrophils, sometimes referred to as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1))A mouse model that lacks functional T and B cells and used to study the immune responseA pigmented mouse strain used for research and known to mount a primarily Th1 response to infectionA protein encoded by the ADGRE1 gene that, in mice, is expressed primarily on macrophagesA strain of pigmented mice used in glaucoma researchACAIDAPCsASCAn albino mouse strain used for research and known to mount a primarily Th2 response to infectionAntigen Presenting Cells, this class includes dendritic cells and monocytesBALB/cBMC57BL6CCL2CD45CNSCXCL1Central Nervous SystemCluster of differentiation 45 antigenDAMPsDBA/2JEBMECMEMTERMEpithelial Basement MembraneF4/80FGF2HA =hyaluronic acidHSKHSPHSPGsHSVICNIL-20IL6ILMIOPInner (or internal) limiting membraneInterleukin 6Interleukin-20MAGP1MHC-IIMajor histocompatibility complex type II, a class of MHC proteins typically found only on APCsMicrofibril-associated glycoprotein 1N-cadN-cadherinNEINKNational Eye InstituteNatural killer T cellsPCOPDGFPDRPVDPVRPlatelet derived growth factorPosterior capsular opacificationRGCRPERRDRag1-/-Retinal ganglion cellsRetinal pigment epithelial cellsSMADSons of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic, SMADs are a class of molecules that mediate TGF and bone morphogenetic protein signalingT-helper cell 1 response, proinflammatory adaptive response involving interferon gamma and associated with autoimmunityT-helper cell 2 response involving IgE and interleukins 4,5, and 13, also induces the anti-inflammatory interleukin 10 family cytokinesT-regulatory cellTGTGF1TMTNFTh1Th17Th2Transforming growth factor 1TregTumor necrosis factor a cytokine produced during inflammationVEGFVascular endothelial growth factorWHOWorld Health Organizationanterior chamber immune deviationanterior subcapsular cataractsbasement membranedamage-associated molecular patternsepiretinal membraneepiretinal membrane secondary to disease pathologyepithelial-mesenchymal transitionextracellular matrixfibroblast growth factor 2, also referred to as basic FGFheat shock proteinheparan sulfate proteoglycansherpes simplex virusherpes stromal keratitisiERMidiopathic epiretinal membraneintraepithelial corneal nervesintraocular pressuremTORmechanistic target of rapamycin, a protein kinase encoded by the MTOR genes that regulates a variety of signal transduction events including cell growth, autophagy and actin cytoskeletonposterior vitreous detachmentproliferative diabetic retinopathyproliferative vitreoretinopathyrhegmatogenous (rupture, tear) retinal detachmenttrabecular meshworktrigeminal ganglionαSMAα?Smooth muscle actin, a class of actin expressed in mesenchymal cells
DOI 10.1016/j.trsl.2021.05.005
PMID 34051364
发布时间 2022-07-16
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