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Clinical and molecular features of 66 patients with musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos syndrome caused by pathogenic variants in <i>CHST14</i> (mcEDS-<i>CHST14</i>).

作者单位: Department of Medical Genetics, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Japan. [1] Center for Medical Genetics, Shinshu University Hospital, Matsumoto, Japan. [2] Problem-Solving Oriented Training Program for Advanced Medical Personnel: NGSD (Next Generation Super Doctor) Project, Matsumoto, Japan. [3] Department of Medical Genetics, Sakakibara Heart Institute, Tokyo, Japan. [4] Department of Bioscience and Genetics, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Japan. [5] Center for Medical Genetics, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium. [6] Department of Biomolecular Medicine, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. [7] Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Science, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare, Nobeoka, Japan. [8] Department of Pediatrics I, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. [9] Division of Human Genetics, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. [10] Division of Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA. [11] Department of Neurology, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. [12] Department of Pediatrics, Louisiana State University Health Science Center, New Orleans, LA, USA. [13] Division of Clinical Genetics and Department of Genetics, Children's Hospital of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, USA. [14] Division of Clinical and Metabolic Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [15] Department of Clinical Genomics, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA. [16] Division of Genetics and Metabolism, Nicklaus Children's Hospital, Miami, FL, USA. [17] Undiagnosed Diseases Program, Office of the NIH Director, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. [18] Medical Genetics Branch, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. [19] División de Genética, Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Occidente, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Guadalajara, Mexico. [20] Department of Clinical Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands. [21] Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Centre Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [22] Department of Pediatrics, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Japan. [23] Department of Pediatrics, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan. [24] Department of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology, Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. [25] Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University, Senda, Japan. [26] Department of Medical Genetics, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan. [27] Division of Clinical Laboratory, Sendai City Hospital, Sendai, Japan. [28] Division of Genomic Medicine Support and Genetic Counseling, Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. [29] Miyagi Children's Hospital, Sendai, Japan. [30] Division of Clinical Genetics, Jikei University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. [31] Department of Dermatology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan. [32] Department of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery, Akita University Graduate School of Medicine School of Medicine, Akita, Akita, Japan. [33] Department of Dermatology, University of Miyazaki Faculty of Medicine, Miyazaki, Japan. [34] Department of Pediatrics, Kochi Health Sciences Center, Kochi, Japan. [35] Division of Molecular Pathology, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. [36] Department of Internal Medicine, IMSUT Hospital, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. [37] Department of Internal Medicine, Nagano Chuo Hospital, Nagano, Japan. [38] Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Japan. [39] Department of Dermatology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. [40] Department of Pediatrics, University of South Florida, College of Medicine, Tampa, FL, USA. [41] Department of Clinical Genetics, St. Marianna University, School of Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan. [42] EDS National Diagnostic Service, Sheffield Children's Hospital, Sheffield, UK. [43] Department of Pediatrics (Genetics Division), Advanced Pediatric Cente, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India. [44] Division of Clinical Sequencing, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Japan. [45] Department of Human Genetics, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan. [46] Department of Medical Genetics, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Japan ktomoki@shinshu-u.ac.jp. [47] Research Center for Supports to Advanced Science, Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan. [48]
DOI 10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107623
PMID 34815299
发布时间 2022-12-22
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Journal of medical genetics


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