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Postoperative radiotherapy versus no postoperative radiotherapy in patients with completely resected non-small-cell lung cancer and proven mediastinal N2 involvement (Lung ART): an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial.

作者单位: Department of Radiation Oncology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France. Electronic address: cecile.lepechoux@gustaveroussy.fr. [1] Radiation Oncology, Institut Sainte Catherine, Avignon, France. [2] Department of Medical Oncology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France; Aix-Marseille University, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut National des Sciences et de la Recherche Médicale, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille, Marseille, France. [3] Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Baclesse, Caen, France. [4] Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Paul Strauss, Strasbourg, France. [5] Radiation Oncology, Centre Armoricain de Radiothérapie, d'Imagerie médicale et d'Oncologie, St Brieuc, France. [6] Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; Department of Radiation Oncology, Kliniken Maria Hilf, Moenchengladbach, Germany. [7] Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Val d'Aurelle, Montpellier, France. [8] Department of Medical Oncology, Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, France. [9] Department of Radiation Oncology, Institut de cancérologie de l'Ouest Centre Paul Papin, Angers, France. [10] Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Georges-Francois Leclerc, Dijon, France. [11] Department of Radiation Oncology, Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest Centre René Gauducheau, Nantes, France. [12] Department of Pneumology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Caen, Caen, France; Department of Thoracic Oncology, Université de Paris, Centre d'Investigation Clinique-1425-Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital, Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris, Paris, France. [13] Department of Pneumology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Caen, Caen, France. [14] Department of Pneumology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Tours, Tours, France. [15] Radiation Oncology, Centre Specialisé Cancerologie Paris Nord, Sarcelles, France. [16] Department of Thoracic Oncology, Tenon University Hospital, Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris, Paris, France. [17] Radiation Oncology, Centre Hospitalier de Bretagne Sud, Lorient, France. [18] Pneumology, Polyclinique du Val de Sambre, Maubeuge, France. [19] University of Manchester and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK. [20] Department of Clinical Oncology, Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield, UK. [21] Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Zurich, University of Zurich, Zurich and Centre for Radiation Oncology, Cantonal Hospitals Aarau and Baden, Aarau, Switzerland. [22] International Center for Thoracic Cancers, and Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France. [23] Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK. [24] Department of Thoracic Surgery, Hôpital Nord, Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Marseille, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France. [25] Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery and Heart-Lung Transplantation, Institut d'Oncologie Thoracique, Marie-Lannelongue Hospital, Paris-Saclay University, Le Plessis Robinson, France. [26] International Center for Thoracic Cancers, and Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France; Oncostat Unité Mixte de Recherche 1018, Inserm, University Paris-Saclay, labeled Ligue Contre le Cancer, Villejuif, France. [27]
DOI 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00606-9
PMID 34919827
发布时间 2024-03-20
  • 浏览4
The Lancet. Oncology


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