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Development and validation of combined symptom-medication scores for allergic rhinitis.

作者: Bernardo,Sousa-Pinto [1] ; Luís Filipe,Azevedo [2] ; Marek,Jutel [1] ; Ioana,Agache [2] ; G Walter,Canonica [3] ; Wienczyslawa,Czarlewski [4] ; Nikolaos G,Papadopoulos [5] ; Karl-Christian,Bergmann [6] ; Philippe,Devillier [7] ; Daniel,Laune [8] ; Ludger,Klimek [9] ; Aram,Anto [10] ; Josep M,Anto [11] ; Patrik,Eklund [12] ; Rute,Almeida [13] ; Anna,Bedbrook [14] ; Sinthia,Bosnic-Anticevich [15] ; Helen A,Brough [16] ; Luisa,Brussino [9] ; Victoria,Cardona [17] ; Thomas,Casale [18] ; Lorenzo,Cecchi [19] ; Denis,Charpin [20] ; Tomás,Chivato [21] ; Elisio M,Costa [1] ; Alvaro A,Cruz [2] ; Stephanie,Dramburg [22] ; Stephen R,Durham [23] ; Giulia,De Feo [24] ; Roy,Gerth van Wijk [25] ; Wystke J,Fokkens [26] ; Bilun,Gemicioglu [27] ; Tari,Haahtela [25] ; Maddalena,Illario [28] ; Juan Carlos,Ivancevich [29] ; Violeta,Kvedariene [30] ; Piotr,Kuna [31] ; Désirée E,Larenas-Linnemann [32] ; Michael,Makris [33] ; Eve,Mathieu-Dupas [34] ; Erik,Melén [35] ; Mario,Morais-Almeida [36] ; Ralph,Mösges [37] ; Joaquim,Mullol [38] ; Kari C,Nadeau [39] ; Nhân,Pham-Thi [40] ; Robyn,O'Hehir [41] ; Frederico S,Regateiro [42] ; Sietze,Reitsma [43] ; Boleslaw,Samolinski [44] ; Aziz,Sheikh [45] ; Cristiana,Stellato [46] ; Ana,Todo-Bom [14] ; Peter Valentin,Tomazic [47] ; Sanna,Toppila-Salmi [48] ; Antonio,Valero [49] ; Arunas,Valiulis [50] ; Maria Teresa,Ventura [51] ; Dana,Wallace [52] ; Susan,Waserman [53] ; Arzu,Yorgancioglu [54] ; Govert,De Vries [55] ; Michiel,van Eerd [56] ; Petra,Zieglmayer [57] ; Torsten,Zuberbier [58] ; Oliver,Pfaar [59] ; João,Almeida Fonseca [60] ; Jean,Bousquet [61]
作者单位: MEDCIDS - Department of Community Medicine, Information and Health Decision Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. [1] CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. [2] Department of Clinical Immunology, Wrocław Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland. [3] ALL-MED Medical Research Institute, Wroclaw, Poland. [4] Faculty of Medicine, Transylvania University, Brasov, Romania. [5] Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Milan, Italy. [6] Personalized Medicine, Asthma & Allergy -Humanitas Clinical & Research Centre, IRCCS, Rozzano, Italy. [7] Medical Consulting Czarlewski, Levallois, France. [8] ARIA, Montpellier, France. [9] Allergy Department, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, Athens General Children's Hospital "P&A Kyriakou", University of Athens, Athens, Greece. [10] Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP, Allergology and Immunology, Berlin, Germany. [11] Institute for Allergology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. [12] UPRES EA220, Pôle des Maladies des Voies Respiratoires, Hôpital Foch, Université Paris-Saclay, Suresnes, France. [13] KYomed INNOV, Montpellier, France. [14] Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Mainz, Germany. [15] Center for Rhinology and Allergology, Wiesbaden, Germany. [16] ISGlobAL, Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Barcelona, Spain. [17] IMIM (Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute), Barcelona, Spain. [18] Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain. [19] CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Barcelona, Spain. [20] Computing Science Department, Umeå University, Umeå, Finland. [21] MACVIA-France, Montpellier, France. [22] Quality Use of Respiratory Medicine Group, Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, The University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. [23] Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. [24] Division of Allergy/Immunology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA. [25] Department of Medical Sciences, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit, University of Torino & Mauriziano Hospital, Torino, Italy. [26] Allergy Section, Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Vall d'Hebron & ARADyAL Research Network, Barcelona, Spain. [27] SOS Allergology and Clinical Immunology, USL Toscana Centro, Prato, Italy. [28] Clinique des Bronches, Allergie et Sommeil, Hôpital Nord, Marseille, France. [29] School of Medicine, University CEU San Pablo, Madrid, Spain. [30] Faculty of Pharmacy and Competence Center on Active and Healthy Ageing, University of Porto (Porto4Ageing), UCIBIO, REQUINTE, Porto, Portugal. [31] Fundaçao ProAR, Federal University of Bahia and GARD/WHO Planning Group, Salvador, Brazil. [32] Department of Pediatric Pneumology, Immunology and Intensive Care Medicine, Charité Medical University, Berlin, Germany. [33] Allergy and Clinical Immunology, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK. [34] Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry "Scuola Medica Salernitana", University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy. [35] Section of Allergology, Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [36] Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Amsterdam University Medical Centres, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [37] Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, Turkey. [38] Skin and Allergy Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. [39] Department of Public Health and Research and Development Unit, Federico II University and Hospital, Naples, Italy. [40] Servicio de Alergia e Immunologia, Clinica Santa Isabel, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [41] Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania. [42] Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Clinic of Chest Diseases and Allergology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania. [43] Division of Internal Medicine, Asthma and Allergy, Barlicki University Hospital, Medical University of Lodz, Poland. [44] Center of Excellence in Asthma and Allergy, Médica Sur Clinical Foundation and Hospital, México City, Mexico. [45] Allergy Unit "D Kalogeromitros", 2nd Department of Dermatology and Venereology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, "Attikon" University Hospital, Athens, Greece. [46] Sachs' Children and Youth Hospital, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden. [47] Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. [48] Allergy Center, CUF Descobertas Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal. [49] CRI-Clinical Research International-Ltd, Hamburg, Germany. [50] Rhinology Unit & Smell Clinic, ENT Department, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain. [51] Clinical & Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, IDIBAPS, CIBERES, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. [52] Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma Research, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, USA. [53] IRBA (Institut de Recherche bio-Médicale des Armées), Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau, Bretigny, France. [54] Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Central Clinical School, Monash University and Alfred Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. [55] Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. [56] Institute of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Portugal. [57] ICBR - Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research, CIBB, Coimbra, Portugal. [58] Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Amsterdam University Medical Centres, AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [59] Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards, Allergology and Immunology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. [60] Usher Institute, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. [61] Imunoalergologia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra and Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. [62] Department of General ORL, H&NS, Medical University of Graz, ENT-University Hospital Graz, Austria. [63] Skin and Allergy Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital and University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. [64] Pneumology and Allergy Department CIBERES and Clinical & Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, IDIBAPS, University of Barcelona, Spain. [65] Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine & Institute of Health Sciences, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania. [66] European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP/UEMS-SP), Brussels, Belgium. [67] Unit of Geriatric Immunoallergology, University of Bari Medical School, Bari, Italy. [68] Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. [69] Department of Medicine, Clinical Immunology and Allergy, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. [70] Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey. [71] Peercode BV, Geldermalsen, The Netherlands. [72] Vienna Challenge Chamber, Vienna, Austria. [73] Competence Center for Allergology and Immunology, Karl Landsteiner University, Krems, Austria. [74] Section of Rhinology and Allergy, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital Marburg, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany. [75] Departamento Medicina da Comunidade, Informaçao e Decisao em Saude (MEDCIDS), Faculdada de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal. [76] Medicina, EDucaçao, I&D e Avaliaçao, Lda (MEDIDA), Porto, Portugal. [77] Imunoalergologia, CUF, Porto, Portugal. [78] University Hospital Montpellier, Montpellier, France. [79]
DOI 10.1111/all.15199
PMID 34932829
发布时间 2022-08-30
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