Mark A,Anthony [1]
Thomas W,Crowther [2]
Sietse,van der Linde [3]
Laura M,Suz [4]
Martin I,Bidartondo [5]
Filipa,Cox [6]
Marcus,Schaub [7]
Pasi,Rautio [8]
Marco,Ferretti [7]
Lars,Vesterdal [9]
Bruno,De Vos [10]
Mike,Dettwiler [2]
Nadine,Eickenscheidt [11]
Andreas,Schmitz [12]
Henning,Meesenburg [13]
Henning,Andreae [14]
Frank,Jacob [14]
Hans-Peter,Dietrich [15]
Peter,Waldner [7]
Arthur,Gessler [16]
Beat,Frey [7]
Oliver,Schramm [7]
Pim,van den Bulk [17]
Arjan,Hensen [17]
Colin,Averill [2]
Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. mark.anthony@usys.ethz.ch.
Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, National Reference Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, TW9 3DS, UK.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, TW9 3DS, UK.;Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, Ascot, SL5 7PY, UK.
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PT, UK.
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
Natural Resources Institute Finland, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, DK-1958, Frederiksberg C, Denmark.
Environment & Climate Unit, Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Geraardsbergen, Belgium.
State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia, 45657, Recklinghausen, Germany.
State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia, 45657, Recklinghausen, Germany.;Thuenen Institut of Forest Ecosystems, 16225, Eberswalde, Germany.
Northwest German Forest Research Institute, 37079, Göttingen, Germany.
Sachsenforst State Forest, 01796, Pirna OT Graupa, Germany.
Bavarian State Institute of Forestry, Freising, D-85354, Germany.
Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.;Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research at Petten, 1755LE, Petten, The Netherlands.