Ibtehaj,Naqvi [1]
Nicholas,Giroux [2]
Lyra,Olson [3]
Sarah Ahn,Morrison [1]
Telmo,Llanga [4]
Tolu O,Akinade [5]
Yuefei,Zhu [5]
Yiling,Zhong [5]
Shree,Bose [3]
Stephanie,Arvai [6]
Karen,Abramson [6]
Lingye,Chen [7]
Loretta,Que [7]
Bryan,Kraft [7]
Xiling,Shen [8]
Jaewoo,Lee [1]
Kam W,Leong [5]
Smita K,Nair [9]
Bruce,Sullenger [10]
Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences, USA.
Duke University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering, USA; Duke University, Graduate School, USA.
Duke University, Graduate School, USA; Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, USA.
Duke University, Graduate School, USA.
Columbia University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, USA.
Duke University Center for Genomic and Computational Biology, RNA Sequencing Core, USA.
Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, USA.
Duke University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering, USA.
Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences, USA; Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, USA; Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, USA. Electronic address: smita.nair@duke.edu.
Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences, USA; Duke University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering, USA; Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, USA; Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, USA. Electronic address: bruce.sullenger@duke.edu.