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Restriction of Intravenous Fluid in ICU Patients with Septic Shock.

第一作者: Tine S,Meyhoff
第一单位: From Copenhagen University Hospital-Rigshospitalet (T.S.M., P.B.H., P. Sivapalan, M.H.M., M-B.N.K., C.O.-S., B.A.B., M.W.-O., J.O.W., L.Q., B.W., A.B.J., C.J.S.H., N.M., T.S.J., A.P.), the Copenhagen Trial Unit, Center for Clinical Intervention Research (J.W., J.E.), the Section of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen (T.L.), Copenhagen University Hospital-Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg (S.K.L.H.), Copenhagen, Zealand University Hospital, Køge (L.N., N.C.A.-R., J.V.J., N.A.J., L.M.P., L.S.H.), Viborg Hospital, Viborg (C.G.S., S.K.P., K.K.K., T.S.S.), Randers Hospital, Randers (M.L.V., H.B.), Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg University, Aalborg (B.S.R., S.R.A.), Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde (T.H., L.R.), Copenhagen University Hospital-North Zealand, Hillerød (M.H.B., M.S.-L.), Kolding Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding (A.C.B., C.F.E.), and Herning Hospital, Herning (M.L.R.) - all in Denmark; Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (J.H.L., T.N.A., S.Å.), Hospital Østfold Kalnes, Grålum (Y.K.M., F.F.F., H.S.), Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger (P. Seidel, K.S.), and Hospital Innland Hamar, Hamar (B.J.) - all in Norway; Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset (M. Cronhjort, E.J.-A., J.C.), and Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge (C.A.) - both in Sweden; Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern, Bern (S.M.J., C.A.P.), and Basel University Hospital, Basel (M.S.) - both in Switzerland; IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Humanitas University, Milan (M. Cecconi, M.G.); University Hospital Pilsen, Pilsen, Czech Republic (M.N., J.R., M.K.); Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O.) and the Clinical Trials Unit, Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (D.W.G., K.M.R., P.R.M.) - both in London; University Hospital Brussels, Brussels (M.M.); and the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki (V.P.).
作者单位: From Copenhagen University Hospital-Rigshospitalet (T.S.M., P.B.H., P. Sivapalan, M.H.M., M-B.N.K., C.O.-S., B.A.B., M.W.-O., J.O.W., L.Q., B.W., A.B.J., C.J.S.H., N.M., T.S.J., A.P.), the Copenhagen Trial Unit, Center for Clinical Intervention Research (J.W., J.E.), the Section of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen (T.L.), Copenhagen University Hospital-Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg (S.K.L.H.), Copenhagen, Zealand University Hospital, Køge (L.N., N.C.A.-R., J.V.J., N.A.J., L.M.P., L.S.H.), Viborg Hospital, Viborg (C.G.S., S.K.P., K.K.K., T.S.S.), Randers Hospital, Randers (M.L.V., H.B.), Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg University, Aalborg (B.S.R., S.R.A.), Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde (T.H., L.R.), Copenhagen University Hospital-North Zealand, Hillerød (M.H.B., M.S.-L.), Kolding Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding (A.C.B., C.F.E.), and Herning Hospital, Herning (M.L.R.) - all in Denmark; Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (J.H.L., T.N.A., S.Å.), Hospital Østfold Kalnes, Grålum (Y.K.M., F.F.F., H.S.), Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger (P. Seidel, K.S.), and Hospital Innland Hamar, Hamar (B.J.) - all in Norway; Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset (M. Cronhjort, E.J.-A., J.C.), and Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge (C.A.) - both in Sweden; Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern, Bern (S.M.J., C.A.P.), and Basel University Hospital, Basel (M.S.) - both in Switzerland; IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Humanitas University, Milan (M. Cecconi, M.G.); University Hospital Pilsen, Pilsen, Czech Republic (M.N., J.R., M.K.); Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O.) and the Clinical Trials Unit, Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (D.W.G., K.M.R., P.R.M.) - both in London; University Hospital Brussels, Brussels (M.M.); and the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki (V.P.). [1] From Copenhagen University Hospital-Rigshospitalet (T.S.M., P.B.H., P. Sivapalan, M.H.M., M-B.N.K., C.O.-S., B.A.B., M.W.-O., J.O.W., L.Q., B.W., A.B.J., C.J.S.H., N.M., T.S.J., A.P.), the Copenhagen Trial Unit, Center for Clinical Intervention Research (J.W., J.E.), the Section of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen (T.L.), Copenhagen University Hospital-Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg (S.K.L.H.), Copenhagen, Zealand University Hospital, Køge (L.N., N.C.A.-R., J.V.J., N.A.J., L.M.P., L.S.H.), Viborg Hospital, Viborg (C.G.S., S.K.P., K.K.K., T.S.S.), Randers Hospital, Randers (M.L.V., H.B.), Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg University, Aalborg (B.S.R., S.R.A.), Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde (T.H., L.R.), Copenhagen University Hospital-North Zealand, Hillerød (M.H.B., M.S.-L.), Kolding Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding (A.C.B., C.F.E.), and Herning Hospital, Herning (M.L.R.) - all in Denmark; Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (J.H.L., T.N.A., S.Å.), Hospital Østfold Kalnes, Grålum (Y.K.M., F.F.F., H.S.), Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger (P. Seidel, K.S.), and Hospital Innland Hamar, Hamar (B.J.) - all in Norway; Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset (M. Cronhjort, E.J.-A., J.C.), [2]
DOI 10.1056/NEJMoa2202707
PMID 35709019
发布时间 2023-11-03
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