Tatiana N,Murugova [1]
Oleksandr I,Ivankov [2]
Yury L,Ryzhykau [3]
Dmytro V,Soloviov [4]
Kirill V,Kovalev [5]
Daria V,Skachkova [3]
Adam,Round [6]
Christian,Baeken [3]
Andrii V,Ishchenko [6]
Oleksandr A,Volkov [5]
Andrey V,Rogachev [7]
Alexey V,Vlasov [3]
Alexander I,Kuklin [8]
Valentin I,Gordeliy [9]
Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980, Dubna, Russia. murugova@jinr.ru.
Research Center for Mechanisms of Aging and Age-Related Diseases, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 141700, Dolgoprudny, Russia. murugova@jinr.ru.
Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980, Dubna, Russia.
Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine.
Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of the Ukrainian NAS, Kyiv, 03028, Ukraine.
Research Center for Mechanisms of Aging and Age-Related Diseases, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 141700, Dolgoprudny, Russia.
EMBL Hamburg Outstation, 22607, Hamburg, Germany.
Previously at EMBL-Grenoble Outstation, 38000, Grenoble, France.
Single Particles, Clusters, and Biomolecules and Serial Femtosecond Crystallography (SPB/SFX) Instrument, European XFEL GmbH, 22869, Schenefeld, Germany.
Institute of Biological Information Processing (IBI-7: Structural Biochemistry), Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425, Jülich, Germany.
JuStruct: Jülich Center for Structural Biology, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52428, Jülich, Germany.
Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980, Dubna, Russia. kuklin@nf.jinr.ru.
Research Center for Mechanisms of Aging and Age-Related Diseases, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 141700, Dolgoprudny, Russia. kuklin@nf.jinr.ru.
Institut de Biologie Structurale Jean-Pierre Ebel, Université Grenoble Alpes-Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives-CNRS, 38027, Grenoble, France. valentin.gordeliy@ibs.fr.