Jun,Miyashita [1]
Sayaka,Shimizu [2]
Ryuto,Shiraishi [3]
Masanori,Mori [4]
Kaoru,Okawa [5]
Kaoruko,Aita [6]
Satoru,Mitsuoka [7]
Mitsunori,Nishikawa [8]
Yoshiyuki,Kizawa [9]
Tatsuya,Morita [4]
Shunichi,Fukuhara [10]
Yoshitaka,Ishibashi [11]
Chiho,Shimada [12]
Yasuhiro,Norisue [13]
Mieko,Ogino [14]
Norio,Higuchi [15]
Akemi,Yamagishi [16]
Yasuhiko,Miura [17]
Yosuke,Yamamoto [18]
Department of General Medicine, Shirakawa Satellite for Teaching And Research (STAR), Fukushima Medical University. Electronic address: jun-miya@umin.ac.jp.
Section of Clinical Epidemiology, Department of Community Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University.
Department of Palliative Medicine, Kobe University School of Medicine.
Palliative and Supportive Care Division, Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital.
Home Care Medicine, Kameda Medical Center.
Uehiro Division for Death & Life Studies and Practical Ethics, The University of Tokyo.
The Mitsuoka Naika Clinic.
Department of Palliative Care, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba.
Department of General Medicine, Shirakawa Satellite for Teaching And Research (STAR), Fukushima Medical University; Section of Clinical Epidemiology, Department of Community Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University; Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Department of Nephrology, Japanese Red Cross Medical Center.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Saku University.
Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center.
Department of Neurology, Ichikawa Hospital, International University of Health and Welfare.
Law Department, Musashino University.
Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, School of Medicine, Keio University.
Department of General Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine.
Department of Healthcare Epidemiology, School of Public Health in the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University.