Marlies,Cortés [1]
Agnese,Brischetto [2]
M C,Martinez-Campanario [2]
Chiara,Ninfali [2]
Verónica,Domínguez [3]
Sara,Fernández [4]
Raquel,Celis [5]
Anna,Esteve-Codina [6]
Juan J,Lozano [7]
Julia,Sidorova [7]
Gloria,Garrabou [4]
Anna-Maria,Siegert [8]
Carlos,Enrich [9]
Belén,Pintado [3]
Manuel,Morales-Ruiz [7]
Pedro,Castro [9]
Juan D,Cañete [10]
Antonio,Postigo [4]
Group of Gene Regulation in Stem Cells, Cell Plasticity, Differentiation, and Cancer, IDIBAPS, 08036, Barcelona, Spain. mcortesh@recerca.clinic.cat.
Group of Gene Regulation in Stem Cells, Cell Plasticity, Differentiation, and Cancer, IDIBAPS, 08036, Barcelona, Spain.
National Center of Biotechnology (CSIC-CNB) and Center for Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa (CSIC/UAM-CBMSO) Transgenesis Facility, Higher Research Council (CSIC) and Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), Cantoblanco, 28049, Madrid, Spain.
Medical Intensive Care Unit and Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Group of Muscle Research and Mitochondrial Function, IDIBAPS, and CIBERER, 08036, Barcelona, Spain.
Arthritis Unit, Dept. of Rheumathology, Hospital Clínic and IDIBAPS, 08036, Barcelona, Spain.
National Center for Genomics Analysis (CNAG), 08028, Barcelona, Spain.
Biomedical Research Networking Centers in Digestive and Hepatic Diseases (CIBERehd), Carlos III Health Institute, 08036, Barcelona, Spain.
MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit, University of Cambridge Metabolic Research Laboratories, Wellcome Trust-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, CB1 0QQ, UK.
Department of Biomedicine, University of Barcelona School of Medicine and Health Sciences, 08036, Barcelona, Spain.
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and IDIBAPS, 08036, Barcelona, Spain.
Group of Gene Regulation in Stem Cells, Cell Plasticity, Differentiation, and Cancer, IDIBAPS, 08036, Barcelona, Spain. idib412@recerca.clinic.cat.
Biomedical Research Networking Centers in Digestive and Hepatic Diseases (CIBERehd), Carlos III Health Institute, 08036, Barcelona, Spain. idib412@recerca.clinic.cat.
Molecular Targets Program, Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, J.G. Brown Cancer Center, Louisville, KY, 40202, USA. idib412@recerca.clinic.cat.
ICREA, 08010, Barcelona, Spain. idib412@recerca.clinic.cat.