Alberto,Valdeolivas [1]
Bettina,Amberg [2]
Nicolas,Giroud [3]
Marion,Richardson [3]
Eric J C,Gálvez [3]
Solveig,Badillo [3]
Alice,Julien-Laferrière [3]
Demeter,Túrós [4]
Lena,Voith von Voithenberg [5]
Isabelle,Wells [3]
Benedek,Pesti [3]
Amy A,Lo [6]
Emilio,Yángüez [5]
Meghna,Das Thakur [6]
Michael,Bscheider [3]
Marc,Sultan [3]
Nadine,Kumpesa [3]
Björn,Jacobsen [3]
Tobias,Bergauer [3]
Julio,Saez-Rodriguez [7]
Sven,Rottenberg [8]
Petra C,Schwalie [3]
Kerstin,Hahn [9]
Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Basel, Basel, Switzerland. alberto.valdeolivas_urbelz@roche.com.
Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Basel, Basel, Switzerland.;Institute of Animal Pathology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
Institute of Animal Pathology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Zurich, Schlieren, Switzerland.
Genentech, Inc, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Faculty of Medicine and Heidelberg University Hospital, Institute of Computational Biomedicine, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany.
Institute of Animal Pathology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.;Bern Center for Precision Medicine (BCPM), University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Basel, Basel, Switzerland. kerstin.hahn@roche.com.