Oliver N,Shipley [1]
Niel L,Bruce [2]
Nicholas D,Higgs [3]
Scott,Rawlins [4]
Duncan J,Irschick [5]
Robert,Gutierrez [6]
Joshua K,Moyer [7]
Mackellar,Violich [8]
Brendan S,Talwar [9]
Eric Vc,Schneider [10]
Nathan J,Robinson [11]
Edward J,Brooks [12]
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences; Stony Brook University; Stony Brook; NY 11794; USA; Cape Eleuthera Institute; PO Box EL-26029; Rock Sound; Eleuthera; The Bahamas. oliver.shipley@stonybrook.edu.
Biodiversity & Geosciences Program; Queensland Museum; PO Box: 3300; South Brisbane BC; Queensland 4101; Australia; Water Research Group; Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management; North-West University; Private Bag X6001; Potchefstroom 2520; South Africa. niel.bruce@qm.qld.gov.au.
Cape Eleuthera Institute; PO Box EL-26029; Rock Sound; Eleuthera; The Bahamas; Life Sciences Department; Natural History Museum; London; SW7 5BD; UK. nickhiggs@islandschool.org.
Arcadia University; Department of Visual and Performing Arts; 450 S. Easton Road; Glenside; PA 19038. rawlinss@arcadia.edu.
Department of Biology; 221 Morrill Science Center; University of Massachusetts; Amherst; MA; 01003; USA. rgutierrr@live.com.
Department of Biology; 221 Morrill Science Center; University of Massachusetts; Amherst; MA; 01003; USA. joshua.k.moyer@gmail.com.
Department of Biology; 221 Morrill Science Center; University of Massachusetts; Amherst; MA; 01003; USA; Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Yale University; 165 Prospect Street; New Haven; CT; 06520; USA. duncan@umass.edu.
Cape Eleuthera Institute; PO Box EL-26029; Rock Sound; Eleuthera; The Bahamas; Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Yale University; 165 Prospect Street; New Haven; CT; 06520; USA. mviolich27@gmail.com.
Cape Eleuthera Institute; PO Box EL-26029; Rock Sound; Eleuthera; The Bahamas. talwar.brendan@gmail.com.
Cape Eleuthera Institute; PO Box EL-26029; Rock Sound; Eleuthera; The Bahamas. ericschneider@islandschool.org.
Cape Eleuthera Institute; PO Box EL-26029; Rock Sound; Eleuthera; The Bahamas; Institut de Cincies del Mar; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas - Spanish National Research Council; Barcelona; Spain. nathanjackrobinson@gmail.com.
Cape Eleuthera Institute; PO Box EL-26029; Rock Sound; Eleuthera; The Bahamas. eddbrooks@gmail.com.