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Risk factors for severe morbidity and definitive stoma after elective surgery for sigmoid diverticulitis: a multicenter national cohort study.

作者: C,Sabbagh [1] ; L,Beyer-Berjot [2] ; M,Ouaissi [3] ; P,Zerbib [4] ; V,Bridoux [5] ; G,Manceau [6] ; M,Karoui [6] ; Y,Panis [7] ; E,Buscail [8] ; A,Venara [9] ; I,Khaoudy [10] ; M,Gaillard [11] ; P,Ortega-Deballon [12] ; M,Viennet [12] ; A,Thobie [13] ; B,Menahem [14] ; C,Eveno [15] ; C,Bonnel [16] ; J-Y,Mabrut [17] ; B,Badic [18] ; C,Godet [19] ; Y,Eid [20] ; E,Duchalais [21] ; Z,Lakkis [22] ; E,Cotte [23] ; A,Laforest [24] ; V,Defourneaux [25] ; L,Maggiorri [26] ; L,Rebibo [27] ; N,Christou [28] ; A,Talal [29] ; D,Mege [30] ; C,Bonnamy [31] ; A,Germain [32] ; F,Mauvais [33] ; C,Tresallet [34] ; O,Ahmed [34] ; J-M,Regimbeau [35] ; J,Roudie [36] ; A,Laurent [37] ; B,Trilling [38] ; M,Bertrand [39] ; D,Massalou [40] ; B,Romain [41] ; H,Tranchart [42] ; U,Giger [43] ; O,Dejardin [43] ; A,Pellegrin [44] ; A,Alves [35] ; French Surgical Association [14]
作者单位: Department of Digestive Surgery Service, Amiens University Hospital, Rond Point du Pr Cabrol, 80054, Amiens Cedex 01, France. sabbagh.charles@chu-amiens.fr. [1] Department of Digestive Surgery Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Marseille, North University Hospital, Marseille, France. [2] Department of Digestive, Oncological, Endocrine, Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplant, Trousseau Hospital, University Hospital of Tours, Tours, France. [3] Department of Digestive Surgery and Transplantation, Huriez Hospital, Universite Lille Nord de France, Lille, France. [4] Department of Digestive Surgery, University Hospital of Rouen, Rouen, France. [5] Department of Surgery, European Georges Pompidou Hospital, AP-HP, Paris, France. [6] Colorectal Surgery Center, Groupe Hospitalier Privé Ambroise Paré-Hartmann, Neuilly, France. [7] Department of Surgery, CHU Toulouse-Rangueil and Toulouse University, Toulouse, France. [8] Department of Digestive Surgery, University Hospital of Angers, Angers, France. [9] Department of Digestive Surgery, Le Havre Hospital, Le Havre, France. [10] Department of Digestive Surgery, Cochin Hospital, Paris, France. [11] Department of General Surgery, University Hospital of Bocage, Dijon, France. [12] Department of Digestive Surgery, Avranches-Granville Hospital, Avranches, France. [13] Department of Digestive Surgery, University Hospital of Caen, Caen, France. [14] Department of Digestive Surgery, University Hospital of Lille, Lille, France. [15] Department of Digestive Surgery, Nord-Essonne Hospital, Longjumeau, France. [16] Department of Digestive Surgery and Transplantation, Croix Rousse University Hospital, Lyon, France. [17] Department of General and Digestive Surgery, University Hospital, Brest, France. [18] Department of Digestive Surgery, Memorial Hospital of Saint-Lô, Saint-Lô, France. [19] Department of Digestive Surgery, Robert Bisson Hospital, Lisieux, France. [20] Department of Oncological, Digestive and Endocrine Surgery, University Hospital of Nantes, Nantes, France. [21] Department of Digestive Surgical Oncology and Liver Transplantation, University Hospital of Besançon, Besançon, France. [22] Department of Digestive Surgery, Hôpital Lyon Sud, Lyon, France. [23] Department of Digestive Surgery, Montsouris Institut, Paris, France. [24] Department of Digestive Surgery, CHU Rennes, Rennes, France. [25] Department of Digestive Surgery, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Université Paris VII, APHP, Paris, France. [26] Department of Digestive, Oesogastric and Bariatric Surgery, Hôpital Bichat-Claude-Bernard, Paris, France. [27] Department of Digestive Surgery, Limoges Hospital, Limoges, France. [28] Department of Digestive Surgery, Argentan Hospital, Argentan, France. [29] Department of Digestive Surgery, Aix Marseille Univ, APHM, Timone University Hospital, Marseille, France. [30] Department of Digestive Surgery, Bayeux Hospital, Bayeux, France. [31] Department of Digestive Surgery, CHRU Nancy, Nancy, France. [32] Department of Digestive Surgery, Beauvais Hospital, Beauvais, France. [33] Department of Digestive Surgical Oncology, Avicenne University Hospital, Paris, France. [34] Department of Digestive Surgery Service, Amiens University Hospital, Rond Point du Pr Cabrol, 80054, Amiens Cedex 01, France. [35] Department of Digestive Surgery, Martinique Hospital, Fort-de-France, France. [36] Department of Digestive Surgery, Créteil Hospital, Créteil, France. [37] Department of Digestive and Emergency Surgery, Grenoble Alpes University Hospital, Grenoble, France. [38] Department of Digestive Surgery, Universitary Hospital of Nîmes, Nîmes, France. [39] Department of Digestive Surgery, Hôpital L'Archet, Nice University, Nice, France. [40] Department of General and Digestive Surgery, Hautepierre Hospital, Strasbourg University Hospital, Strasbourg, France. [41] Department of Minimally Invasive Digestive Surgery, Antoine Beclere Hospital, AP-HP, Clamart, France. [42] ANTICIPE, Inserm Unity, UMR 1086, Caen, France. [43] Department of Clinical Research, University Hospital of Caen, Caen, France. [44]
DOI 10.1007/s10151-023-02906-y
PMID 38369674
发布时间 2024-04-12
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Techniques in coloproctology


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