Tim,Spelman [1]
Sara,Eichau [2]
Raed,Alroughani [3]
Serkan,Ozakbas [4]
Samia J,Khoury [5]
Francesco,Patti [6]
Eva,Kubala Havrdova [7]
Cavit,Boz [8]
Murat,Terzi [9]
Jens,Kuhle [10]
Pierre,Grammond [11]
Jeanette,Lechner-Scott [12]
Orla,Gray [13]
Maria Pia,Amato [14]
Guy,Laureys [15]
Vahid,Shaygannejad [16]
Robert,Hyde [17]
Haijue,Wang [18]
Ivan,Bozin [19]
Nicholas,Belviso [20]
Chao,Quan [19]
Feng,Zeng [20]
Anneke,van der Walt [21]
Helmut,Butzkueven [20]
MSBase Study Group [22]
MSBase Foundation, Melbourne, Australia.
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Sevilla, Spain.
Amiri Hospital, Sharq, Kuwait.
Dokuz Eylul University, Konak/Izmir, Turkey.
American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon.
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences and Advanced Technologies, GF Ingrassia, Catania, Italy.
Department of Neurology, First Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic.
KTU Medical Faculty Farabi Hospital, Trabzon, Turkey.
19 Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey.
Department of Neurology, University Hospital and University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
Multiple Sclerosis Centre and Research Center for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Neuroscience (RC2NB), Departments of Biomedicine and Clinical Research, University Hospital and University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
CISSS Chaudière-Appalache, Lévis, QC, Canada.
University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
South Eastern HSC Trust, Belfast, UK.
University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
University Hospital Ghent, Ghent, Belgium.
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
Biogen, Baar, Switzerland.
Biogen, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, National Center for Neurological Disorders, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.