Rachel M,Wake [1]
Phoebe E,Allebone-Salt [1]
Larissa L H,John [2]
Ben A,Caswall [3]
Nelesh P,Govender [4]
Ronen,Ben-Ami [5]
Lyle W,Murray [6]
Clare,Logan [1]
Thomas S,Harrison [7]
Tihana A,Bicanic [7]
Institute for Infection and Immunity, St George's University of London, London, UK.;Clinical Academic Group, St George's Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK.
MRC Centre for Medical Mycology, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.
Institute for Infection and Immunity, St George's University of London, London, UK.
Institute for Infection and Immunity, St George's University of London, London, UK.;National Institute for Communicable Diseases, A Division of the National Health Laboratory Service, Johannesburg, South Africa.;School of Pathology, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.;Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.;MRC Centre for Medical Mycology, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.
Infectious Diseases Unit, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, and the Sackler, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Institute for Infection and Immunity, St George's University of London, London, UK.;Clinical Academic Group, St George's Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK.;MRC Centre for Medical Mycology, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.