Maria G,Hauge [1]
Peter,Damm [1]
Klaus F,Kofoed [2]
Emma Louise Ries,Møller [3]
Andrea G,Lopez [4]
Anne S,Ersbøll [5]
Marianne,Johansen [5]
Per E,Sigvardsen [3]
Michael H C,Pham [3]
Jens P,Goetze [6]
Andreas,Fuchs [3]
Jørgen T,Kühl [7]
Børge G,Nordestgaard [8]
Lars V,Køber [9]
Finn,Gustafsson [9]
Jesper J,Linde [3]
Department of Gynecology, Fertility and Obstetrics, Rigshospitalet (M.G.H., P.D., A.S.E., M.J.), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark.;Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (M.G.H., P.D., K.F.K., J.P.G., B.G.N., L.V.K., F.G.).
Department of Cardiology, The Heart Centre, Rigshospitalet (K.F.K., E.L.R.M., P.E.S., M.H.C.P., A.F., L.V.K., F.G., J.J.L.), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark.;Department of Radiology, The Diagnostic Center, Rigshospitalet (K.F.K.), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark.;Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (M.G.H., P.D., K.F.K., J.P.G., B.G.N., L.V.K., F.G.).
Department of Cardiology, The Heart Centre, Rigshospitalet (K.F.K., E.L.R.M., P.E.S., M.H.C.P., A.F., L.V.K., F.G., J.J.L.), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark.
Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real, Cádiz, Spain (A.G.L.).
Department of Gynecology, Fertility and Obstetrics, Rigshospitalet (M.G.H., P.D., A.S.E., M.J.), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark.
Department of Biomedical Sciences (J.P.G.), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark.;Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (M.G.H., P.D., K.F.K., J.P.G., B.G.N., L.V.K., F.G.).
Department of Cardiology, Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde, Denmark (J.T.K.).
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (M.G.H., P.D., K.F.K., J.P.G., B.G.N., L.V.K., F.G.).;Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Copenhagen General Population Study, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark (B.G.N.).
Department of Cardiology, The Heart Centre, Rigshospitalet (K.F.K., E.L.R.M., P.E.S., M.H.C.P., A.F., L.V.K., F.G., J.J.L.), Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark.;Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (M.G.H., P.D., K.F.K., J.P.G., B.G.N., L.V.K., F.G.).