Alexej P K,Sirén [1]
Michael T,Hallworth [2]
Jillian R,Kilborn [3]
Chris A,Bernier [4]
Nicholas L,Fortin [4]
Katherina D,Geider [4]
Riley K,Patry [5]
Rachel M,Cliché [6]
Leighlan S,Prout [7]
Suzanne J,Gifford [8]
Scott,Wixsom [8]
Toni Lyn,Morelli [9]
Tammy L,Wilson [10]
Department of Environmental Conservation University of Massachusetts Amherst Massachusetts USA.
Vermont Center for Ecostudies Norwich Vermont USA.
Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife Rutland Vermont USA.;New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Concord New Hampshire USA.
Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife Rutland Vermont USA.
Dartmouth College Woodlands Milan New Hampshire USA.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Silvio O. Conte National Wildlife Refuge Nulhegan Basin Division Brunswick Vermont USA.
United States Forest Service White Mountain National Forest Campton New Hampshire USA.
United States Forest Service Green Mountain National Forest Mendon Vermont USA.
Department of Environmental Conservation University of Massachusetts Amherst Massachusetts USA.;U.S. Geological Survey Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Amherst Massachusetts USA.
Department of Environmental Conservation University of Massachusetts Amherst Massachusetts USA.;U.S. Geological Survey Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Amherst Massachusetts USA.