Carella,A.M. [1]
DeSouza,C.A. [2]
Luminari,S. [3]
Marcheselli,L. [4]
Chiappella,A. [5]
DiRocco,A. [6]
Cesaretti,M. [7]
Rossi,A. [8]
Rigacci,L. [9]
Gaidano,G. [10]
Merli,F. [11]
Spina,M. [12]
Stelitano,C. [13]
Hohaus,S. ;
Barbui,A. ;
Puccini,B. ;
Miranda,E.C. ;
Guida,A. ;
Hematology Unit, Department of Oncology, Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura
Hematology 2nd section, Department of Oncology and Hematology, San Giovanni Battista Hospital
Department of Clinical and Diagnostic Medicine and Public Health, University of Modena and Reggio
USC Hematology, Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Division of Hematology 1, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Martino, Genova, Italy
Hematology Functional Unit, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi, Firenze, Italy
Hematology and Blood Transfusion Center, University of Campinas, SP, Brazil
Hematology, Azienda Ospedaliera Bianchi Melacrino Morelli, Reggio Calabria, Italy
Department of Cellular Biotechnologies and Hematology, Sapienza University, Roma, Italy
Hematology and Blood Transfusion Center, University of Campinas, SP, Brazil, Grupo de Estudos em
Division of Hematology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Amedeo Avogadro
Division of Medical Oncology A, National Cancer Institute, Aviano, Italy
Hematology Institute, Università Cattolica S. Cuore, Roma, Italy