Montaigne,D. [1]
Marechal,X. [2]
Coisne,A. [3]
Debry,N. [4]
Modine,T. [5]
Fayad,G. [6]
Potelle,C. [7]
ElArid,J.-M. [8]
Mouton,S. [9]
Sebti,Y. ;
Duez,H. ;
Preau,S. ;
Remy-Jouet,I. ;
Zerimech,F. ;
Koussa,M. ;
Richard,V. ;
Neviere,R. ;
Edme,J.-L. ;
Lefebvre,P. ;
INSERM U1096, University of Rouen, Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine, Rouen
Biochemistry Division, Pathology and Biology Center, University Hospital of Lille, Lille, France
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, France
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine Lille, Lille, France
Université Lille 2, Inserm, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France, University Hospital of Lille
EA4483-Département de Médecine du Travail, Faculty of Medicine, University Lille 2, Lille, France
Université Lille 2, Inserm, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine Lille, Lille, France, Université Lille 2, Inserm
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine Lille, Lille, France, Service d'Explorations