VanEmmerik-vanOortmerssen,K. [1]
vandeGlind,G. [2]
Koeter,M.W.J. [3]
Allsop,S. [4]
Auriacombe,M. [5]
Barta,C. [6]
Bu,E.T.H. [7]
Burren,Y. [8]
Carpentier,P.-J. [9]
Carruthers,S. [10]
Casas,M. [11]
Demetrovics,Z. [12]
Dom,G. [13]
Faraone,S.V. [14]
Fatseas,M. [15]
Franck,J. [16]
Johnson,B. [17]
Kapitány-F?vény,M. [18]
Kaye,S. [19]
Konstenius,M. ;
Levin,F.R. ;
Moggi,F. ;
Ramos-Quiroga,J.A. ;
Schillinger,A. ;
Skutle,A. ;
Verspreet,S. ;
vandenBrink,W. ;
Schoevers,R.A. ;
Beniwal,A. ;
Bosma,G. ;
Cassar,J. ;
Dahl,T. ;
Daigre,C. ;
Debrabant,R. ;
Degenhardt,L. ;
vanderGaag,R.-J. ;
Hay,D. ;
Lossius,K. ;
L?vaas,E.K. ;
Malivert,M. ;
M?ller,M. ;
Roncero,C. ;
Stevens,L. ;
Wallhed,S. ;
vanWamel,A. ;
Collaborative Antwerp Psychiatry Research Institute (CAPRI, UA), PC Alexian Brothers, Boechout
Bergen Clinics Foundation, Bergen, Norway
Laboratoire de psychiatrie Département d'addictologie, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
University Hospital of Psychiatry, Bern, Switzerland
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen
Reinier van Arkel groep, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Institute of Psychology, E?tv?s Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, Nyíro Gyula Hospital Drug
Servei de Psiquiatria, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, CIBERSAM, Department of Psychiatry
Institute of Medical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Pathobiochemistry, Semmelweis University
Institute of Psychology, E?tv?s Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Columbia University/the New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, United States
Amsterdam Institute for Addiction Research, Department of Psychiatry, Academic Medical Center
Arkin Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam Institute for
Department of Psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, United States, Department
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Psychiatry, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
University Hospital of Psychiatry, Bern, Switzerland, Department of Psychology, University of
National Drug Research Institute/Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA, Australia
Department for Substance Abuse Treatment, Ostfold Hospital Trust, Fredrikstad, Norway