Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Departement Evolution et Systematique, Reptiles et Amphibiens, 25 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France
Museum fur Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity at the Humboldt University Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Zoologisches ForschungsmuseumAlexander Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Museum d'histoire naturelle, Department of Herpetology and Ichthyology, CP. 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland
c/o The World Bank, Country Office, PO Box 609, Kigali, Rwanda
Museo Tridentino di Scienze Natarali, Via Calepina 14, 38100 Trento, Italy