Center for Stroke Research Berlin,Charité–Universit?tsmedizin Berlin
Department of Neurology,BKH Günzburg
Department of Neurology,Hans‐Susemihl Hospital
Institute of Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry,University of Würzburg
German Atrial Fibrillation Network
Department of Neurology,University Hospital Frankfurt
Department of Cardiology,University Hospital of Leipzi
Department of Neurology,Vivantes Hospital Neuk?lln
Department of Neurology,Asklepios Clinic Altona
Department of Neurology,University Medical Center Hamburg‐Eppendorf
Department of Neurology,Alfried Krupp Hospital
Department of Nephrology and Medical Intensive Care,Charité‐Universit?tsmedizin Berlin
Department of Neurology,University Hospital Würzburg