Desreumaux,P. [1]
Foussat,A. [2]
Allez,M. [3]
Beaugerie,L. [4]
Hébuterne,X. [5]
Bouhnik,Y. [6]
Nachury,M. [7]
Brun,V. [8]
Bastian,H. [9]
Belmonte,N. [10]
Ticchioni,M. [11]
Duchange,A. [12]
Morel-Mandrino,P. ;
Neveu,V. ;
Clerget-Chossat,N. ;
Forte,M. ;
Gastroenterology and Centre d'Investigation Clinique, Jean Minjoz Hospital, Besan?on, France
Centre Régina, Nice, France
Manufacturing, TxCell, Valbonne, France
Gastroenterology, Beaujon, Clichy, France
Effi-Stat, Paris, France
Clinical, TxCell, Valbonne, France
Gastroenterology and Centre d'Investigation Clinique, St Antoine Hospital, Paris, France
Gastroenterology and Unité de Recherche Clinique, L'Archet 2 Hospital, Nice, France
Department of Hepatogastroenterology, Hopital Huriez, CHU Lille, 59037 Lille, France
Gastroenterology and Centre d'Investigation Clinique, Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris, France
Immunology, L'Archet 1 Hospital, Nice, France
RandD, TxCell, Valbonne, France