摘要DEAR EDITOR,Understanding the different immune responses of wild and domestic caprid species is critical for addressing certain zoonotic diseases.In this study,we generated blood transcriptomes of 13 Siberian ibex and domestic goat hybrids and performed allele-specific expression and splicing analyses.Results showed that genes exhibiting significant imbalance between the ibex and goat were highly related to the Toll-like receptor(TLR),antigen recognition,and immune activation pathways.Comparative genomic analysis of the species revealed that immune function-related genes were under strong selection pressure in the domestic goat.These allelic imbalances in gene expression may be related to fixed divergent sites in cis-regulatory elements,which may affect the expression of immune-related genes and contribute to the adaptive diversity between ibex and goat species.
作者单位Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics,Breeding and Reproduction of Shaanxi Province,College of Animal Science and Technology,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China[1]Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics,Breeding and Reproduction of Shaanxi Province,College of Animal Science and Technology,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China;Department of Animal Science,Faculty of Agriculture,Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman,Kerman,PB 76169-133,Iran[2]Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,Danzhou,Hainan 571700,China[3]Xinjiang Academy of Animal Sciences,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830011,China[4]