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Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI PET/CT显像在轻链型心脏淀粉样变中的诊断价值

Diagnostic value of Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI PET/CT imaging in light chain cardiac amyloidosis

摘要目的:探讨Al 18F-1, 4, 7-三氮杂环壬烷-1,4,7-三乙酸(NOTA)-成纤维细胞激活蛋白抑制剂(FAPI)PET/CT显像对轻链型心脏淀粉样变(AL-CA)的诊断价值。 方法:前瞻性研究2021年9至12月于首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院确诊为AL-CA的8例[5例合并多发性骨髓瘤(MM)]患者的临床资料,其中男性7例、女性1例,年龄(62.9±5.6)岁。分别招募与AL-CA患者性别和年龄匹配的5名健康志愿者和5例MM患者作为对照。研究共分为4组:AL-CA+MM组(AL-CA伴MM)5例、AL-only组(AL-CA不伴MM)3例、MM对照组(MM不伴AL-CA)5例、健康对照组5名。所有受试者均接受Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI PET/CT显像。分析4组受试者的实验室检查指标[B型利钠肽(BNP)水平]、心脏超声数据和Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI PET/CT显像结果。多组间计量资料的比较采用LSD检验或Kruskal Wallis检验。2组间计量资料的比较采用两独立样本 t检验(方差齐),计数资料的比较采用 χ2检验。 结果:与MM对照组相比,AL-only组BNP水平升高,差异有统计学意义[(259.0±40.0)pg/ml对(19.2±15.7)pg/ml, t=9.928, P<0.05];AL-CA+MM组左心室室间隔厚度和左心室后壁厚度增加,差异均有统计学意义[(13.9±1.1)mm对(10.8±0.3)mm, t=6.197, P<0.05;(13.7±0.9)mm对(10.3±0.6)mm, t=6.774, P<0.05]。Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI PET/CT显像结果显示:AL-CA+MM组3例(3/5,60.0%)患者和AL-only组3例(3/3,100.0%)患者左心室心肌Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI摄取均为阳性;MM对照组4例(4/5,80.0%)患者和健康对照组5名(5/5,100.0%)受试者左心室心肌Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI摄取均为阴性。AL-only组左心室心肌最大标准化摄取值(SUV max)和靶本底比值(T/B)均高于健康对照组[SUV max:(4.1±1.1)对(2.1±0.2), t=3.234, P=0.081;T/B:(4.7±0.6)对(2.2±0.4), t=6.748, P=0.001]。AL-CA+MM组左心室心肌SUV max和T/B均高于MM对照组[SUV max:(4.2±1.8)对(2.5±1.4), t=1.699, P=0.128;T/B:(4.2±2.1)对(3.0±1.2), t=1.120, P=0.295]。AL-CA+MM组左心室心肌SUV max和T/B均高于健康对照组[SUV max:(4.2±1.8)对(2.1±0.2), t=2.642, P=0.056;T/B:(4.2±2.1)对(2.2±0.4), t=2.047, P=0.104]。 结论:Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI PET/CT显像具有无创、有效检测AL-CA患者心脏成纤维细胞活化的能力,其对AL-CA患者具有一定的诊断价值。


abstractsObjective:To explore the diagnostic value of Al 18F-1, 4, 7-triazacyclononane-1, 4, 7-triacetic acid (NOTA)-fibroblast activation protein inhibitor (FAPI) PET/CT imaging in light chain cardiac amyloidosis (AL-CA). Methods:The clinical data of 8 patients (7 males and 1 female, aged (62.9±5.6) years) diagnosed with AL-CA in Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University from September to December 2021 were prospectively studied. Five healthy volunteers and 5 patients with multiple myeloma (MM), who matched the gender and age with AL-CA patients, were recruited as controls. All subjects were divided into 4 groups: 5 cases in the AL-CA+MM group (AL-CA with MM), 3 cases in the AL-only group (AL-CA without MM), 5 cases in the MM control group (MM without AL-CA), and 5 cases in the healthy control group. All subjects underwent Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI PET/CT imaging. Laboratory index type B natriuretic peptide (BNP) level, echocardiography data, and Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI PET/CT imaging results were analyzed. Measurement data were compared among the 4 groups by using LSD or Kruskal-Wallis test and between 2 groups by independent samples t-test (homogeneity of variance). Enumeration data were compared by χ2 test. Results:BNP level in the AL-only group was higher than that in the MM control group, and the difference was statistically significant ((259.0±40.0) pg/ml vs. (19.2±15.7) pg/ml, t=9.928, P<0.05). The left ventricular interventricular septum thickness and the left ventricular posterior wall thickness increased in the AL-CA+MM group, and the differences were statistically significant ((13.9±1.1) mm vs. (10.8±0.3) mm, t=6.197, P<0.05; (13.7±0.9) mm vs. (10.3±0.6) mm, t=6.774, P<0.05). Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI PET/CT imaging results showed that the Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI uptake of the left ventricular myocardium was positive in 3 cases (3/5, 60.0%) of the AL-CA+MM group and 3 cases (3/3, 100.0%) of the AL-only group. The left ventricular myocardium Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI uptake was negative in 4 patients (4/5, 80.0%) of the MM control group and 5 subjects (5/5, 100.0%) of the healthy control group. The left ventricular myocardium maximum standardized uptake value (SUV max) and target to background ratio (T/B) in the AL-only group were higher than those in the healthy control group (SUV max: (4.1±1.1) vs. (2.1±0.2), t=3.234, P=0.081; T/B: (4.7±0.6) vs. (2.2±0.4), t=6.748, P=0.001). The SUV max and T/B of the left ventricular myocardium in the AL-CA+MM group were higher than those in the MM control group (SUV max: (4.2±1.8) vs. (2.5±1.4), t=1.699, P=0.128; T/B: (4.2±2.1) vs. (3.0±1.2), t=1.120, P=0.295). The SUV max and T/B of left ventricular myocardium in the AL-CA+MM group were higher than those in the healthy control group (SUV max: (4.2±1.8) vs. (2.1±0.2), t=2.642, P=0.056; T/B: (4.2±2.1) vs. (2.2±0.4), t=2.047, P=0.104). Conclusion:Al 18F-NOTA-FAPI PET/CT imaging can detect cardiac fibroblast activation non-invasively and effectively and has a certain diagnostic value in patients with AL-CA.

栏目名称 心血管核医学技术诊疗应用
DOI 10.3760/cma.j.cn121381-202309001-00382
发布时间 2025-02-25
北京市医院管理局临床医学发展专项 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院多学科临床研究创新团队项目 Beijing Hospitals Authority Clinical Medicine Development of Special Funding Clinical Research Innovation Team Program of Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital Multi-disciplinary Team Program
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