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Selective Fetal Growth Restriction in Monochorionic Diamniotic Twins: Diagnosis and Management

Selective Fetal Growth Restriction in Monochorionic Diamniotic Twins: Diagnosis and Management

摘要Selective fetal growth restriction (sFGR) is a severe condition that complicates 10% to 15% of all monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancies. Pregnancies complicated with sFGR are at high risk of intrauterine demise or adverse perinatal outcome for the twins. Three clinical types have been described according to the umbilical artery (UA) Doppler pattern observed in the smaller twin: type I, when the UA Doppler is normal; type II, when there is persistent absent or reversed end-diastolic blood flow in the UA Doppler; and type III, when there is intermittent absent and/or reversed end-diastolic blood flow in the UA Doppler. Clinical evolution and management options mainly depend on the type of sFGR. Type I is usually associated with a good prognosis and is managed conservatively. There is no consensus on the management of types II and III, but in earlier and more severe presentations, fetal interventions such as selective laser photocoagulation of placental anastomoses or selective fetal cord occlusion of the smaller twin may be considered. This review aims to provide updated information about the diagnosis, evaluation, follow-up, and management of sFGR in MCDA twin pregnancies.


abstractsSelective fetal growth restriction (sFGR) is a severe condition that complicates 10% to 15% of all monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancies. Pregnancies complicated with sFGR are at high risk of intrauterine demise or adverse perinatal outcome for the twins. Three clinical types have been described according to the umbilical artery (UA) Doppler pattern observed in the smaller twin: type I, when the UA Doppler is normal; type II, when there is persistent absent or reversed end-diastolic blood flow in the UA Doppler; and type III, when there is intermittent absent and/or reversed end-diastolic blood flow in the UA Doppler. Clinical evolution and management options mainly depend on the type of sFGR. Type I is usually associated with a good prognosis and is managed conservatively. There is no consensus on the management of types II and III, but in earlier and more severe presentations, fetal interventions such as selective laser photocoagulation of placental anastomoses or selective fetal cord occlusion of the smaller twin may be considered. This review aims to provide updated information about the diagnosis, evaluation, follow-up, and management of sFGR in MCDA twin pregnancies.

作者 Zumaeta Alicia Mazer [1] Gil María Mar [2] Rodríguez-Fernández Miguel [2] Carretero Pilar [3] Ochoa José Hector [4] Casanova María Cristina [2] Molina Francisca Sonia [1] 学术成果认领
作者单位 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio, Granada 18016, Spain [1] Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Hospital Universitario de Torrejón, Torrejón de Ardoz 28223, Madrid, Spain [2] School of Medicine, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Pozuelo de Alarcón 28223, Madrid, Spain [3] Diagnus SA, Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Medicine Center, Córdoba 5000, Argentina [4]
栏目名称 Review
DOI 10.1097/FM9.0000000000000171
发布时间 2025-02-25
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