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Spatiotemporal patterns and trends of community transmission of the pandemic COVID-19 in South Asia: Bangladesh as a case study

Spatiotemporal patterns and trends of community transmission of the pandemic COVID-19 in South Asia: Bangladesh as a case study

摘要South Asian (SA) countries have been fighting with the pandemic novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) since January 2020. Earlier, the country-specific descriptive study has been done. Nevertheless, as transboundary infection, the border sharing, shared cultural and behavioral practice, effects on the temporal and spatial distribution of COVID-19 in SA is still unveiled. Therefore, this study has been revealed the spatial hotspot along with descriptive output on different parameters of COVID-19 infection. We extracted data from the WHO and the worldometer database from the onset of the outbreak up to 15 May, 2020. Europe has the highest case fatality rate (CFR, 9.22%), whereas Oceania has the highest (91.15%) recovery rate from COVID-19. Among SA countries, India has the highest number of cases (85,790), followed by Pakistan (38,799) and Bangladesh (20,065). However, the number of tests conducted was minimum in this region in comparison with other areas. The highest CFR was recorded in India (3.21%) among SA countries, whereas Nepal and Bhutan had no death record due to COVID-19 so far. The recovery rate varies from 4.75% in the Maldives to 51.02% in Sri Lanka. In Bangladesh, community transmission has been recorded, and the highest number of cases were detected in Dhaka, followed by Narayanganj and Chattogram. We detected Dhaka and its surrounding six districts, namely Gazipur, Narsingdi, Narayanganj, Munshiganj, Manikganj, and Shariatpur, as the 99% confidence-based hotspot where Faridpur and Madaripur district as the 95% confidence-based spatial hotspots of COVID-19 in Bangladesh. However, we did not find any cold spots in Bangladesh. We identified three hotspots and three cold spots at different confidence levels in India. Findings from this study suggested the "Test, Trace, and Isolation" approach for earlier detection of infection to prevent further community transmission of COVID-19.


abstractsSouth Asian (SA) countries have been fighting with the pandemic novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) since January 2020. Earlier, the country-specific descriptive study has been done. Nevertheless, as transboundary infection, the border sharing, shared cultural and behavioral practice, effects on the temporal and spatial distribution of COVID-19 in SA is still unveiled. Therefore, this study has been revealed the spatial hotspot along with descriptive output on different parameters of COVID-19 infection. We extracted data from the WHO and the worldometer database from the onset of the outbreak up to 15 May, 2020. Europe has the highest case fatality rate (CFR, 9.22%), whereas Oceania has the highest (91.15%) recovery rate from COVID-19. Among SA countries, India has the highest number of cases (85,790), followed by Pakistan (38,799) and Bangladesh (20,065). However, the number of tests conducted was minimum in this region in comparison with other areas. The highest CFR was recorded in India (3.21%) among SA countries, whereas Nepal and Bhutan had no death record due to COVID-19 so far. The recovery rate varies from 4.75% in the Maldives to 51.02% in Sri Lanka. In Bangladesh, community transmission has been recorded, and the highest number of cases were detected in Dhaka, followed by Narayanganj and Chattogram. We detected Dhaka and its surrounding six districts, namely Gazipur, Narsingdi, Narayanganj, Munshiganj, Manikganj, and Shariatpur, as the 99% confidence-based hotspot where Faridpur and Madaripur district as the 95% confidence-based spatial hotspots of COVID-19 in Bangladesh. However, we did not find any cold spots in Bangladesh. We identified three hotspots and three cold spots at different confidence levels in India. Findings from this study suggested the "Test, Trace, and Isolation" approach for earlier detection of infection to prevent further community transmission of COVID-19.

作者 Islam Ariful [1] Sayeed Md. Abu [2] Rahman Md. Kaisar [1] Ferdous Jinnat [1] Shano Shahanaj [3] Choudhury Shusmita Dutta [3] Hassan Mohammad Mahmudul [4] 学术成果认领
作者单位 EcoHealth Alliance New York, NY 10001 -2320, USA [1] Department of Medicine, Jhenaidah Government Veterinary College, Jhenaidah 7300, Bangladesh [2] Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh [3] Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram 4225, Bangladesh [4]
栏目名称 Original Research
DOI 10.1016/j.bsheal.2020.09.006
发布时间 2025-02-25
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