A survey study on major surgeon′s mental trauma caused by iatrogenic biliary injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy
摘要目的:调查全国范围内腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)中胆道损伤后主刀医师精神创伤的情况并探讨其影响因素。方法:采用回顾性横断面调查研究方法。2018年12月1日至2019年1月1日,以中国医师协会外科医师分会和中华医学会外科学分会注册登记的外科医师为调查对象,设计《LC胆道损伤对主刀医师是否造成心理影响及其相关因素的调查》问卷进行调查研究。问卷通过微信方式发放,软件平台为问卷星。观察指标:(1)问卷调查结果。(2)LC致医源性胆道损伤(IBI)后主刀医师发生严重精神创伤的影响因素分析。正态分布的计量资料以 ± s表示,计数资料以绝对数或百分比表示。单因素分析采用 χ2检验。将单因素分析中 P<0.10因素纳入多因素分析,多因素分析采用Logistic回归模型。 结果:(1)问卷调查结果。共收回完整问卷606份。①主刀医师基本信息:606位主刀医师中,男596例,女10例;年龄为(41±7)岁,年龄范围为18~62岁。59.24%(359/606)主刀医师来自非教学医院,64.03%(388/606)主刀医师在初级、中级职称时发生印象最深刻的一次LC致IBI,76.24%(462/606)主刀医师第1次发生LC致IBI时印象最深刻,69.80%(423/606)主刀医师认为在术中仔细操作可以避免IBI。②患者相关信息:主刀医师发生印象最深刻一次LC致IBI患者中,女400例,男206例;<35岁、35~65岁、>65岁患者的比例分别为9.57%(58/606)、65.51%(397/606)、24.92%(151/606)。③IBI相关信息:57.43%(348/606)主刀医师发生LC致IBI时能及时获得高年资医师帮助。78.88%(478/606)主刀医师邀请更高年资医师参与初次修复手术。主刀医师发生印象最深刻一次LC致IBI时,66.83%(405/606)IBI初次修复手术在LC术中完成,11.06%(67/606)IBI初次修复手术在术后3 d内完成,22.11%(134/606)IBI初次修复手术在术后3 d后完成。主要修复方式中,局部修复、胆管对端吻合、胆肠吻合的比例分别为24.92%(151/606)、30.20%(183/606)、33.17%(201/606)。修复需要切除部分肝脏、发生围术期死亡、需要多次修复的患者比例分别为2.48%(15/606)、2.15%(13/606)、9.24%(56/606)。④后续对主刀医师处理的相关信息:发生LC致IBI后,64.85%(393/606)主刀医师获得患者及家属理解,35.15%(213/606)主刀医师陷入医患纠纷。15.68%(95/606)主刀医师受到医院行政处罚,14.36%(87/606)主刀医师个人出资赔偿,6.77%(41/606)主刀医师有医疗责任险赔偿,9.24%(56/606)主刀医师在医患纠纷中发生医患暴力冲突事件。⑤主刀医师精神心理相关信息:606位主刀医师中,544位发生精神创伤(279位为严重精神创伤)。82.01%(497/606)主刀医师感到焦虑和(或)抑郁时间>1个月;63.37%(384/606)主刀医师想要避免LC,或者在LC中出现紧张情绪;44.72%(271/606)主刀医师回想起损伤时的情景会有生理反应;36.14%(219/606)主刀医师萌生不再从事外科医师的念头;6.44%(39/606)主刀医师寻求心理医师帮助;5.61%(34/606)主刀医师持续服用抗焦虑、抗抑郁等精神类药物>1个月。(2)LC致IBI后主刀医师发生严重精神创伤的影响因素分析:单因素分析结果显示,主刀医师所在医院类型、高年资医师参与修复、初次修复手术方式、IBI需要多次修复、发生医患纠纷、主刀医师受到医院行政处罚、主刀医师个人出资赔偿、有医疗责任险赔偿、纠纷中发生医患暴力冲突是LC致IBI后主刀医师发生严重精神创伤的影响因素( χ2=7.688,3.932,19.764,13.837,61.488,24.904,30.976,5.344,26.285, P<0.05)。多因素分析结果显示:初次修复手术方式、IBI需要多次修复、发生医患纠纷、主刀医师受到医院行政处罚、主刀医师个人出资赔偿、纠纷中发生医患暴力冲突是LC致IBI后主刀医师发生严重精神创伤的独立危险因素(优势比=1.203,2.198,2.922,1.830,2.405,2.171,95%可信区间为1.033~1.402,1.143~4.226,1.944~4.391,1.083~3.093,1.076~5.375,1.002~4.702, P<0.05)。有医疗责任险赔偿是LC致IBI后主刀医师发生严重精神创伤的独立保护因素(优势比=0.336,95%可信区间为0.126~0.896, P<0.05)。 结论:国内大部分外科医师受LC致IBI困扰,其中近一半受到严重精神创伤。初次修复手术方式、IBI需要多次修复、发生医患纠纷、主刀医师受到医院行政处罚、主刀医师个人出资赔偿、纠纷中发生医患暴力冲突是LC致IBI后主刀医师发生严重精神创伤的独立危险因素。有医疗责任险赔偿是LC致IBI后主刀医师发生严重精神创伤的独立保护因素。
abstractsObjective:To conduct a survey on major surgeon′s mental trauma caused by iatrogenic biliary injury (IBI) during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), and explore its influencing factors.Methods:The retrospective cross-sectional survey was conducted. Surgeons who have registered in Chinese College of Surgeons of Chinese Medical Doctor Association and Chinese Surgical Society of Chinese Medical Association were recruited to participate as respondents between December 1, 2018 and January 1, 2019. The survey was conducted by the questionnaires of influencing factors for surgeon′s mental trauma caused by IBI during LC. The questionnaires were distributed to participants via WeChat on the Wenjuanxin platform. Observation indicators: (1) results of questionnaire survey; (2) analysis of influencing factors for severe mental trauma of major surgeons caused by IBI during LC. Measurement data with normal distribution were expressed as Mean± SD, and count data were expressed as absolute numbers or percentages. The chi-square test was used for univariate analysis. Factors with P<0.10 in the univariate analysis were included in multivariate analysis, and Logistic regression model was used for multivariate analysis. Results:(1) Results of questionnaire survey. A total of 606 questionnaires were retrieved. ① Basic information of major surgeons: of the 606 major surgeons, there were 596 males and 10 females, aged (41±7)years, with a range from 18 to 62 years. Of the 606 major surgeons, 59.24%(359/606) came from non-teaching hospitals, and 64.03%(388/606) encounted the most impressive case of IBI during LC when they were in the primary or intermediate professional title. For 76.24%(462/606) of the major surgeons, the first case of IBI during LC was the most impressive case, and 69.80%(423/606) believed that careful operation during LC could avoid IBI. ② Patient information: of the patients with the most impressive IBI during LC in each major surgeon′s memory, there were 400 females and 206 males. The proportion of patients younger than 35 years old, in 35-65 years old and older than 65 years old was 9.57%(58/606), 65.51%(397/606), and 24.92%(151/606), respectively. ③ IBI related information: 57.43%(348/606) of the major surgeons indicated that they could receive help from senior surgeons in time for the occurrence of IBI during LC, and 78.88%(478/606) of the major surgeons invited senior surgeons to participate in the initial repair. For the most impressive case of IBI during LC, 66.83%(405/606) of the primary repair surgeries were performed during LC, 11.06%(67/606) were performed within postoperative 3 days and 22.11%(134/606) were performed after 3 days. The main repair methods included local repair, bile duct to end anastomosis, and bilioenteric anastomosis, accounting for 24.92%(151/606), 30.20%(183/606), 33.17%(201/606), respectively. The proportion of patients requiring partial hepatectomy, with perioperative death, and requiring multiple repair was 2.48%(15/606), 2.15%(13/606), and 9.24%(56/606), respectively. ④ Subsequent processing on major surgeons: after the occurrence of IBI during LC, 64.85%(393/606) of the major surgeons gained the understanding of patients and their families, 35.15%(213/606) of the major surgeons were involved in medical disputes, 15.68%(95/606) of the major surgeons received administrative punishment from the hospital. About the compensation, 14.36%(87/606) of the major surgeons had to pay for the compensation by themselves, and only 6.77%(41/606) of the major surgeons had medical liability insurance. There were 9.24%(56/606) of the major surgeons invloved in violent conflicts during the medical disputes. ⑤ Psychology-related information of major surgeons: of the 606 major surgeons, 544 had mental trauma including 279 with severe mental trauma. After the occurrence of IBI during LC, 82.01%(497/606) of the major surgeons experienced anxiety and/or depression for more than one month; 63.37%(384/606) of the major surgeons expected to avoid LC or showed tension during LC; 44.72%(271/606) of the major surgeons had a physiological response when recalling the case; 36.14%(219/606) of the major surgeons initiated the idea of not being a surgeon; 6.44%(39/606) of the major surgeons asked psychologists for help; and 5.61%(34/606) of the major surgeons had taken psychiatric drugs such as antianxiety and anti-depression drugs for more than one month. (2) Analysis of influencing factors for severe mental trauma of major surgeons caused by IBI during LC. Results of univariate analysis showed that the hospital type of the major surgeons, participation of senior surgeons in the repair, surgical method of the primary repair, IBI requiring repeated repair, medical disputes, administrative punishment from the hospital, compensation paid by the major surgeon, having medical liability insurance, violent conflicts in medical disputes were related factors for severe mental trauma of the major surgeons caused by IBI during LC ( χ2=7.688, 3.932, 19.764, 13.837, 61.488, 24.904, 30.976, 5.344, 26.285, P<0.05) . Results of multivariate analysis showed that the surgical method of the primary repair, IBI requiring repeated repair, medical disputes, administrative punishment from the hospital, compensation paid by the major surgeon, violent conflicts in medical disputes were independent risk factors for severe mental trauma caused by IBI during LC of the major surgeons ( odds ratios=1.203, 2.198, 2.922, 1.830, 2.405, 2.171, 95% confidence interval: 1.033-1.402, 1.143-4.226, 1.944-4.391, 1.083-3.093, 1.076-5.375, 1.002-4.702, P<0.05). Having medical liability insurance was an independent protective factor for severe mental trauma of the major surgeons caused by IBI during LC ( odds ratios=0.336, 95% confidence interval: 0.126-0.896, P<0.05). Conclusions:Most surgeons in China are troubled by IBI during LC, and nearly half of them suffer from severe mental trauma. Surgical method of the primary repair, IBI requiring repeated repair, medical disputes, administartive punishment from the hospital, compensation paid by the major surgeon, and violent conflicts in medical disputes are independent risk factors for severe mental trauma of major surgeons caused by IBI during LC. Having medical liability insurance is an independent protective factor for severe mental trauma of major surgeons caused by IBI during LC.
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