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Zinc phosphate-based nanoparticles as alternatives to zinc oxide in diet of weaned piglets

摘要Background:The high doses of zinc oxide (ZnO) administered orally to piglets for the prevention of diarrhea and increase of growth rate can contaminate pig farms and the surrounding environment. Therefore, there is a need to find a replacement of high doses of dietary ZnO with an equally effective alternative. In the present study, the effect of two formulations of zinc phosphate-based nanoparticles (ZnA and ZnC NPs) on growth performance, intestinal microbiota, antioxidant status, and intestinal and liver morphology was evaluated. A total of 100 weaned piglets were randomly divided into 10 equal groups with the base diet (control) or the base diet supplemented with ZnA, ZnC, or ZnO at concentrations 500, 1000, and 2000 mg Zn per kilogram of diet. Supplements were given to animals for 10 days. Fecal samples were collected on day 0, 5, 10 and 20. At the end of the treatment (day 10), three piglets from each group were sacrificed and analyzed. Results:Comparing to that of control, the significantly higher piglet weight gain was observed in all piglet groups fed with ZnA (P<0.05). Differences in the total aerobic bacteria and coliform counts in piglet feces after NPs supplementation compared to that of control and ZnO groups were also found (P<0.05). The majority of aerobic culturable bacteria from the feces represented Escherichia (28.57–47.62%), Enterococcus (3.85–35.71%), and Streptococcus (3.70–42.31%) spp. A total of 542 Escherichia coli isolates were screened for the virulence genes STa, STb, Stx2, F4, and F18. The substantial occurrence of E. coli virulence factors was found on day 5, mainly in fimbrillary antigen and thermostable toxins, except for piglets fed by ZnC. Zn treatment decreased Zn blood levels in piglets fed with ZnO and ZnA (500 mg/kg) and increased in ZnC (2000 mg/kg) compared to that of control (P<0.05). The antioxidant status of piglets was affected only by ZnA. While some changes in the liver and the intestinal morphology of piglets with NPs were observed, none were serious as reflected by the normal health status and increased weigh gain performance. (Continued on next page)(Continued from previous page) Conclusions:Our results indicate that ZnA NPs have a positive effect on the piglet growth performance even at the lowest concentration. The prevalence of E. coli virulence factors was lowest in pigs supplemented with ZnC. Zinc phosphate-based nanoparticles may be an effective alternative to ZnO.

作者 Silvia Kociova [1] Kristyna Dolezelikova [1] Pavel Horky [2] Sylvie Skalickova [2] Daria Baholet [2] Lucie Bozdechova [1] Eva Vaclavkova [3] Jaroslava Belkova [3] Pavel Nevrkla [4] Jiri Skladanka [2] Tomas Do [5] Ondrej Zitka [1] Yazan Haddad [1] Pavel Kopel [6] Ludek Zurek [7] Vojtech Adam [1] Kristyna Smerkova [1] 学术成果认领
作者单位 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic;Central European Institute of Technology, Brno University of Technology, Purkynova 123, CZ-61200 Brno, Czech Republic [1] Department of Animal Nutrition and Forage Production, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic [2] Institute of Animal Science, Pratelstvi 815, CZ-10400 Praha Uhrineves, Czech Republic [3] Department of Animal Breeding, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic [4] Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic [5] Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic;Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, 17. listopadu 12, CZ-77146 Olomouc, Czech Republic [6] Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic;Central European Institute of Technology, Center for Zoonoses, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno, Palackeho 1946/1, CZ-61242 Brno, Czech Republic [7]
发布时间 2021-01-12
Financial support from NAZV QK1720349"Nanoparticles zinc as an alternative to antibiotics in pigs"and ERDF"Multidisciplinary research to increase application potential of nanomaterials in agricultural practice"
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