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Experimental nerve transfer model in the neonatal rat

摘要Clinically, peripheral nerve reconstructions in neonates are most frequently applied in brachial plexus birth injuries. Most surgical concepts, however, have investigated nerve reconstructions in adult animal models. The immature neuromuscular system reacts differently to the effects of nerve lesion and surgery and is poorly investigated due to the lack of reliable experimental models. Here, we describe an experimental forelimb model in the neonatal rat, to study these effects on both the peripheral and central nervous systems. Within 24 hours after birth, three groups were prepared: In the nerve transfer group, a lesion of the musculocutaneous nerve was reconstructed by selectively transferring the ulnar nerve. In the negative control group, the musculocutaneous nerve was divided and not reconstructed and in the positive control group, a sham surgery was performed. The animal′s ability to adapt to nerve lesions and progressive improvement over time were depict by the Bertelli test, which observes the development of grooming. Twelve weeks postoperatively, animals were fully matured and the nerve transfer successfully reinnervated their target muscles, which was indicated by muscle force, muscle weight, and cross sectional area evaluation. On the contrary, no spontaneous regeneration was found in the negative control group. In the positive control group, reference values were established. Retrograde labeling indicated that the motoneuron pool of the ulnar nerve was reduced following nerve transfer. Due to this post-axotomy motoneuron death, a diminished amount of motoneurons reinnervated the biceps muscle in the nerve transfer group, when compared to the native motoneuron pool of the musculocutaneous nerve. These findings indicate that the immature neuromuscular system behaves profoundly different than similar lesions in adult rats and explains reduced muscle force. Ultimately, pathophysiologic adaptations are inevitable. The maturing neuromuscular system, however, utilizes neonatal capacity of regeneration and seizes a variety of compensation mechanism to restore a functional extremity. The above described neonatal rat model demonstrates a constant anatomy, suitable for nerve transfers and allows all standard neuromuscular analyses. Hence, detailed investigations on the pathophysiological changes and subsequent effects of trauma on the various levels within the neuromuscular system as well as neural reorganization of the neonatal rat may be elucidated. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Medical University of Vienna and the Austrian Ministry for Research and Science (BMWF-66.009/0187-WF/V/3b/2015) on March 20, 2015.

作者 Matthias E.Sporer [1] Martin Aman [2] Konstantin D.Bergmeister [3] Dieter Depisch [4] Katharina M.Scheuba [5] Ewald Unger [6] Bruno K.Podesser [7] Oskar C.Aszmann [8] 学术成果认领
作者单位 Christian Doppler Laboratory for the Restoration of Extremity Function,Department of Surgery,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria;ClinicalLaboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction,Department of Surgery,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria;Division of Biomedical Research,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria [1] Christian Doppler Laboratory for the Restoration of Extremity Function,Department of Surgery,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria;Division of Biomedical Research,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria [2] Christian Doppler Laboratory for the Restoration of Extremity Function,Department of Surgery,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria;Department of Plastic,Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery,University Hospital of St.Poelten,Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences,St.Poelten,Austria [3] Christian Doppler Laboratory for the Restoration of Extremity Function,Department of Surgery,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria;ClinicalLaboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction,Department of Surgery,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria [4] Christian Doppler Laboratory for the Restoration of Extremity Function,Department of Surgery,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria [5] Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria [6] Division of Biomedical Research,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria [7] Christian Doppler Laboratory for the Restoration of Extremity Function,Department of Surgery,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria;ClinicalLaboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction,Department of Surgery,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria;Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,Medical University of Vienna,Vienna,Austria [8]
分类号 R459.9R364R615
栏目名称 Peripheral Nerve Injury and Neural Regeneration
发布时间 2021-09-16
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