摘要目的 探讨Ⅱ期外伤性上睑下垂手术治疗的方法选择及临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析自2003年1~10月在云南省第二人民医院眼科收治的外伤性上睑下垂Ⅱ期手术病例共21例(21只眼).其中行额肌瓣悬吊术6例,行提上睑肌缩短术6例,行提上睑肌腱膜折叠术5例,单纯行提上睑肌腱膜修复术4例.其中5例在矫正上睑下垂的同时行内眦或外眦成形术,2例同时行倒睫矫正术,1例同时行泪小管断裂吻合术,术后观察上睑缘位置及眼睑成形情况.结果 所有病例,于术后7~10天拆线,随访6个月至1年,上睑下垂得到矫正无复发,合并眼睑畸形患者外观改善满意.结论 外伤性上睑下垂Ⅱ期手术情况复杂,手术治疗应视具体病情而定,根据不同的临床表现选择个体化的手术方式,并酌情采用多种手术方式的联合,以期用最小的损伤及最合理的手术方案达到最大程度的改善.
abstractsObjective To discuss the operative methods for Traumatic blepharoptosisto.Methods According to operation methods,the patients were divided into 4 groups,6 cases had gone through frontal muscle veiltrofixation,6 levator muscle resection,while the other 5 eyes had levator aponeurosis placation,the last 4 cases had levator aponeurosis renovation.And 5 cases of the patients accepted orthopedic surgery for traumatic inner or external canthus deformity at the same time,2 cases of them accepted trichiasis correction meanwhile,1 case accepted anastomosis of broken lachrymal canaliculus meanwhile.Results The patients were observed for 6 months at least after operation,all 21cases received satisfactory results without recurrence.Conclusions The symptom of secondary traumatic blepharoptosis is complicated.The most suitable method to improve the appearance,considering the different clinical symptom should be chosen.
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