摘要目的 探讨血小板参数在鉴别骨髓性和非骨髓性血小板减少症中的作用.方法 使用Cell-Dyn3700血细胞分析仪检测血小板减少症(TP)76例、特发性(免疫性、原发性)血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)66例、继发性血小板减少性紫癜(STP)8例、获得性纯巨核细胞再生障碍性血小板减少性紫癜(AATP)8例、造血干细胞疾病(HSCD)(急性白血病、再生障碍性贫血、骨髓增生异常综合征)140例、健康体检者100例(对照组)的血小板计数(PLT)、平均血小板体积(MPV)、血小板压积(PCT)、血小板分布宽度(PDW).结果 ①与对照组相比,HSCD患者的MPV显著减少,PDW明显增加;STP患者MPV、PDW显著增大.②AATP患者MPV正常,PDW增大.③ITP组和TP组与对照组的MPV、PCT、PDW差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01).④HSCD组与对照组、ITP组和TP组比较,MPV、PCT和PDW差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01).⑤骨髓性TP组与非骨髓性TP组比较,其MPV和PDW均有统计学意义(均P<0.01).⑥当ITP患者治疗有效时,PLT升高,其MPV和PDW下降.结论 通过观察MPV和PDW数值的升降,特别是MPV的变化可初步判断血小板减少是由骨髓病变(MPV<参考值)还是由骨髓外病症(MPV>参考值)所引起.另外,当ITP患者治疗有效时,可用PDW和MPV较早地(比PLT提前5 d)观察到疗效.血小板参数的动态观察有助于ITP的鉴别诊断、病情判断及疗效观察.
abstractsObjective To investigate the role of platelet indices in the differentiation of thrombocytopenia caused by bone marrow diseases and thrombocytopenia caused by non-marrow diseases.Methods Mean platelet volume(MPV),platelet crit(PCT)and platelet size deviation width(PDW)of 76 othromboeytopenia(TP)patients,66 immune thrombocytopenia purpura(ITP)patients,8 secondary thrombocytocritpenia purpura(STP)patients,8 acquired pure megakaryocytic thrombocytopenia purpura(AATP)patients,140 malignant hematological diseases(MHD)(including acute leukemia,aplastic anemia and myelodysplastic syndromes)patients and 100 healthy people were respectively determined by blood cell analyzer Cell-Dyn 3700.Result Compared with control group,the MPV of the patients with MHD significantly decreased,and then the PDW of them increased.For patients with STP,the MVP and PDW markedly increased.The MVP of patients with AATP was normal,and PDW significantly increased.The MPV,PCT and PDW of ITP and TP showed marked difference(P<0.01).In contrast with the control group,the MPV,PCT and the PDW of patients with hemopathy and patients with ITP were remarkably different(P<0.01).Compared with the marrow TP and the non-marrow TP or control group,MPV and PDW showed significant difference(P<0.01).During the effective treatment of patients with ITP,PLT increased and then MPV and PDW decreased.Conclusion The level changes of MPV and PDW,in particular MPV can primarily judge the cause of thrombocytopenia (MPV<reference value as caused by bone marrow diseases but MPV>reference value as caused by bone marrow diseases).In addition,during the effective treatment of patients with ITP,with changes of MPV and PDW present 5 days earlier than that of PLT,may used to observe the therapeutic effect.Myelodysplastic syndromedynamic observation of the platelet parameter helps for the differential diagnosis,judgment of the states of the diseases and observation of the effectiveness of therapy of ITP.
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