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Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases demonstration project: aerosol pollution and its seasonal peculiarities in primary schools of Vilnius

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases demonstration project: aerosol pollution and its seasonal peculiarities in primary schools of Vilnius

摘要Background::The growing public health concern caused by non-communicable diseases in urban surroundings cannot be solved by health care alone; therefore a multidisciplinary approach is mandatory. This study aimed to evaluate the airborne aerosol pollution level in primary schools as possible factor influencing origin and course of the diseases in children.Methods::Seasonal aerosol particle number concentration (PNC) and mass concentration (PMC) were studied in the randomly selected eleven primary schools in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, as model of a middle-size Eastern European city. Total PNC in the size range from 0.01 to >1.0 μm in diameter was measured using a condensation particle counter. Using an optical particle sizer, PNC was measured and PMC estimated for particles from 0.3 to 10.0 μm. A descriptive statistics was used to estimate the aerosol pollution levels.Results::During all seasons, local cafeterias in the absence of ventilation were the main sources of the elevated levels of indoor PMC and PNC (up to 97,500 particles/cm 3). The other sources of airborne particulates were the children’s activity during the lesson breaks with PMC up to 586 μg/m 3. Soft furniture, carpets in the classrooms and corridors were responsible for PMC up to 200 μg/m 3. Outdoor aerosol pollution (up to 18,170 particles/cm 3) was higher for schools in city center. Elevated air pollution in classrooms also resulted from intermittent sources, such as construction work during classes (200-1000 μg/m 3) and petrol-powered lawn trimmers (up to 66,400 particles/cm 3). Conclusion::The results of our survey show that even in a relatively low polluted region of Eastern Europe there are big differences in aerosol pollution within middle-sized city. Additional efforts are needed to improve air quality in schools: more frequent wet cleaning, monitoring the operation of ventilation systems, a ban on construction works during school year, on a use of sandblasting mechanisms in the neighborhood of schools.


abstractsBackground::The growing public health concern caused by non-communicable diseases in urban surroundings cannot be solved by health care alone; therefore a multidisciplinary approach is mandatory. This study aimed to evaluate the airborne aerosol pollution level in primary schools as possible factor influencing origin and course of the diseases in children.Methods::Seasonal aerosol particle number concentration (PNC) and mass concentration (PMC) were studied in the randomly selected eleven primary schools in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, as model of a middle-size Eastern European city. Total PNC in the size range from 0.01 to >1.0 μm in diameter was measured using a condensation particle counter. Using an optical particle sizer, PNC was measured and PMC estimated for particles from 0.3 to 10.0 μm. A descriptive statistics was used to estimate the aerosol pollution levels.Results::During all seasons, local cafeterias in the absence of ventilation were the main sources of the elevated levels of indoor PMC and PNC (up to 97,500 particles/cm 3). The other sources of airborne particulates were the children’s activity during the lesson breaks with PMC up to 586 μg/m 3. Soft furniture, carpets in the classrooms and corridors were responsible for PMC up to 200 μg/m 3. Outdoor aerosol pollution (up to 18,170 particles/cm 3) was higher for schools in city center. Elevated air pollution in classrooms also resulted from intermittent sources, such as construction work during classes (200-1000 μg/m 3) and petrol-powered lawn trimmers (up to 66,400 particles/cm 3). Conclusion::The results of our survey show that even in a relatively low polluted region of Eastern Europe there are big differences in aerosol pollution within middle-sized city. Additional efforts are needed to improve air quality in schools: more frequent wet cleaning, monitoring the operation of ventilation systems, a ban on construction works during school year, on a use of sandblasting mechanisms in the neighborhood of schools.

作者 Prokopciuk Nina [1] Franck Ulrich [2] Dudoitis Vadimas [1] Tarasiuk Nikolaj [1] Juskiene Izabele [1] Cepuraite Daiva [3] Staras Kestutis [4] Valiulis Algirdas [5] Ulevicius Vidmantas [1] Valiulis Arunas [1] 学术成果认领
作者单位 Department of Environmental Research, SRI Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, LT-02300, Lithuania; Department of Public Health, Institute of Health Sciences, and Department of Children' s Diseases, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius, LT-03101, Lithuania [1] Department of Environmental Immunology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ, Leipzig, GE-04318, Germany [2] Department of Public Administration, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius Centro Outpatient Clinic, Vilnius, LT-01117, Lithuania [3] Department of Public Health, Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius Centro Outpatient Clinic, Vilnius, LT-01117, Lithuania [4] Department of Rehabilitation, Physical and Sports Medicine, Vilnius University Medical Faculty, Institute of Health Sciences, Vilnius, LT-03101, Lithuania [5]
栏目名称 Original Article
DOI 10.1097/CM9.0000000000000913
发布时间 2025-02-25
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