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Analysis of morphological characteristics of laryngeal tuberculosis based on electronic laryngoscopy and image-enhanced endoscopy

摘要目的:探讨总结喉结核在电子喉镜和图像增强内镜(image-enhanced endoscopy,i-scan)下的形态学特征。方法:该病例系列研究分析2014年1月至2024年6月在浙江大学医学院附属第二医院诊断为喉结核的31例患者资料[其中男25例,女6例,年龄21~84(57±15)岁],包括电子喉镜、i-scan内镜的形态学特征、组织病理学特征及补充临床检查结果。采用描述性方法进行分析。结果:31例患者病程1~12(3.0±2.8)个月。临床症状有声嘶27例,咽部异物感2例,咽痛2例。26例累及1个部位,其中声带24例、室带1例、会厌1例。5例累及多部位,其中声带和杓间区2例;杓会厌襞和会厌2例;杓会厌襞、室带和会厌1例。18例患者电子喉镜呈现单一形态,水肿渗出型4例、溃疡型5例、肉芽增生型9例。水肿、溃疡、肉芽增生可同时存在并相互转化,2种及以上形态者共13例,其中水肿渗出型、溃疡型、肉芽增生型出现频次分别为7、9、10次。22例患者合并肺部有活动性肺结核或慢性肺结核,9例患者肺部影像学检查正常。21例患者喉组织活检病理为慢性肉芽肿,10例为慢性肉芽肿伴干酪性坏死;其中19例完善齐-尼氏染色(7例抗酸杆菌阳性),3 例完善聚合酶链反应(均为阳性)。20例完善结核感染T细胞检测(19例阳性),18例完善痰涂片(6例阳性),18例完善抗结核抗体(6例阳性),14例完善血沉(4例阳性)。6例患者进行了i-scan检查,溃疡型喉结核若周边组织无肉芽增生,i-scan可见溃疡周边有丰富管径稍增粗迂曲的斜行及树枝状血管,深溃疡伪膜厚则无法观察到血管影,浅溃疡处见深部充血灶和散在疏密不均分布的点状血管影;水肿渗出型和肉芽肿型并存的喉结核i-scan可见声带水肿,表面有白色渗出物,声带渗出物下可见散在疏密不均分布的点状和不规则扭曲线条状血管影,病灶周边有迂曲的斜行及树枝状血管;肉芽肿型喉结核i-scan可见溃疡灶周边的肉芽增生部位充血明显,散在粗大点状血管影和不规则扭曲线条状血管影。结论:喉结核在电子喉镜下表现为水肿渗出型、溃疡型、肉芽增生型,可交互并存,在i-scan内镜下可显示微血管形态及更细腻的形态特征,形态学特征的总结有助于喉结核的早期发现和诊断。


abstractsObjective:To explore and summarize the morphological features of laryngeal tuberculosis under electronic laryngoscopy and image-enhanced endoscopy (i-scan).Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted on the data of 31 patients diagnosed with laryngeal tuberculosis at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine from January 2014 to June 2024, encompassing the morphological features of electronic laryngoscopy and i-scan endoscopy, histopathological features, and supplementary clinical examination results. Descriptive statistical methods were employed for the analysis.Results:Thirty-one patients were diagnosed with laryngeal tuberculosis, including 25 males and 6 females, aged from 21 to 84 years old, with an average age of 57 years old, and the disease course was from 1 to 12 months with an average of 3 months. The clinical symptoms included hoarseness in 27 cases, foreign body sensation in the pharynx in 2 cases, and sore throat in 2 cases. Twenty-six cases involved a single site, including 24 cases of the vocal cords, 1 case of the ventricular bands, and 1 case of the epiglottis; 5 cases involved multiple sites, including 2 cases of the vocal cords and the interarytenoid area, 2 cases of the aryepiglottic fold and the epiglottis, and 1 case of the aryepiglottic fold, the ventricular bands and the epiglottis. Eighteen patients showed a single morphology type under electronic laryngoscopy, including 4 cases of the edematous exudative type, 5 cases of the ulcerative type, and 9 cases of the granulation hyperplasia type. Edema, ulcer, and granulation hyperplasia can coexist and transit between each other. A total of 13 cases presented with two or more morphological types, with the edematous exudative type, the ulcerative type, and the granulation hyperplasia type occurred 7, 9, and 10 times respectively. Twenty-two patients had active or chronic pulmonary tuberculosis, while 9 patients had normal lung imaging. The laryngeal tissue biopsy pathology of 21 patients was chronic granuloma, and 10 patients were chronic granuloma with caseous necrosis; among them, 19 cases completed the Ziel-Neelsen staining (7 cases were positive for acid-fast bacilli), and 3 cases completed the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (All were positive). Twenty cases completed the T-cell assay for tuberculosis infection (19 cases were positive), 15 cases completed the sputum smear (6 cases were positive), 18 cases were tested for antinuclear antibody (6 cases were positive), and 14 cases completed the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (4 cases were positive). Six patients underwent i-scan examination. In cases of ulcerative laryngeal tuberculosis without granulation hyperplasia in the surrounding tissues, i-scan revealed an abundance of abundant slightly thickened and tortuous oblique and dendritic blood vessels around the ulcer. If the pseudomembrane in the deep ulcer was thick, the blood vessel shadow was not visible. In shallow ulcers, there were areas of deep congestion and scattered dot-shaped blood vessel shadowst with uneven distribution; in cases of laryngeal tuberculosis with coexistence of the edematous exudative type and the granuloma type, i-scan visualized laryngeal cord edema with white exudates on the surface. Beneath the laryngeal cord exudates, there were scattered dot-shaped and irregularly distorted linear blood vessel shadows with uneven distribution, and tortuous, oblique, and dendritic blood vessels were observed around the lesion. In granuloma-type laryngeal tuberculosis, i-scan demonstrated that the area of granulation hyperplasia around the ulcer focus was significantly congested, characterized by scattered thick dot-shaped blood vessel shadows and irregularly distorted linear blood vessel shadows.Conclusions:Laryngeal tuberculosis presents as the edematous exudative type, the ulcerative type, and the granulation hyperplasia type under electronic laryngoscopy, and these types can coexist and interact. i-scan endoscopy can reveal detailed microvascular morphology and other subtle morphological characteristics. The identification and summary of these morphological characteristics are beneficial for the early detection and diagnosis of laryngeal tuberculosis.

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