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Research on isokinetic strength characteristics of waist and abdominal flexor and extensor muscles of fighter pilots

摘要目的:探讨歼击机飞行员腰腹屈、伸肌群肌力及做功特征,为歼击机飞行员腰腹部肌力及耐力训练和预防腰部损伤提供理论依据。方法:随机选取航空医学鉴定合格的60名男性歼击机飞行员,年龄24~46岁。按年龄分为24~30、31~40和41~46岁3组。采用60°/s 和 180°/s两种角速度,应用Isomed2000等速肌力测试系统测定歼击机飞行员的腰腹屈、伸肌群的肌力和做功情况。比较不同年龄组飞行员腰腹屈、伸肌峰力矩、相对峰力矩、屈伸比以及耐力比情况。结果:相同角速度下,歼击机飞行员腰腹伸肌群的峰力矩和相对峰力矩大于屈肌群,差异均有统计学意义( t=7.01~9.13, P均<0.001);腰腹屈、伸肌群的峰力矩、相对峰力矩均随着测试角速度的增加而减小,差异均有统计学意义( t=13.63~17.25, P均<0.001)。在角速度60°/s下,不同年龄组歼击机飞行员腰腹屈肌群的峰力矩以及相对峰力矩差异均无统计学意义( P均>0.05);伸肌群的峰力矩以及相对峰力矩差异均有统计学意义( F=5.31、6.61, P=0.008、0.003),41~46岁组的均低于24~30和31~40岁组( P=0.019、0.003、0.002、0.004)。在角速度180°/s下,不同年龄组歼击机飞行员屈、伸肌群的峰力矩和相对峰力矩差异均有统计学意义( F=3.82、3.47、3.83、5.49, P=0.028、0.043、0.027、0.008);24~30岁组飞行员的腰腹屈、伸肌群的相对峰力矩高于41~46岁组( P=0.032、0.006),31~40岁组飞行员的腰腹屈肌群的峰力矩及相对峰力矩均高于41~46岁组( P=0.008、0.013)。峰力矩比值合格率低,表明腰腹屈、伸肌失衡,腰腹伸肌群的耐力较屈肌群弱。不同年龄组腰腹屈、伸肌群耐力比差异无统计学意义( P均>0.05)。 结论:歼击机飞行员体能训练中,应重视腰腹屈、伸肌之间的平衡。有必要对年龄>40岁的飞行员进行针对性训练以减缓其腰腹肌肉力量下降的趋势。


abstractsObjective:To provide theoretical basis for strength and endurance training of waist and abdominal muscles and prevention of waist injuries in fighter pilots by exploring the muscle strength and work characteristics of the waist and abdominal flexor and extensor muscles in fighter pilots.Methods:Sixty male fighter pilots who were qualified for flight in aeromedical assessment, aged 24-46 years old, were randomly selected and divided into 24-30, 31-40, 41-46 years group. The Isomed2000 isokinetic dynamometer system was applied to measure the muscle strength and work performance of the abdominal and lumbar flexors and extensors of the fighter pilots with the angular velocities of 60°/s and 180°/s. The flexion and extension muscle peak torque, relative peak torque, flexion-extension ratio, and endurance ratio were compared among different age groups of pilots.Results:At the same angular velocity, the peak torque and relative peak torque of the lumbar and abdominal extensor muscles in fighter pilots were greater than those of the flexor muscles, with statistically significant differences ( t=7.01-9.13, all P<0.001). The peak torque and relative peak torque of the lumbar and abdominal flexor and extensor muscles significantly decreased with increasing test angular velocity ( t=13.63-17.25, all P<0.001). Under the angular velocity of 60°/s, there were no significant differences in the peak torque and relative peak torque of the flexor muscles among different age groups (both P>0.05); there were significant differences in the peak torque and relative peak torque of extensor muscles ( F=5.31, 6.61, P=0.008, 0.003) and 41-46 years groups were lower than the other 2 groups ( P=0.019, 0.003, 0.002, 0.004). Under an angular velocity of 180°/s, there were significant differences in the peak torque and relative peak torque of the waist and abdominal flexor and extensor muscles among different age groups ( F=3.82, 3.47, 3.83, 5.49, P=0.028, 0.043, 0.027, 0.008); the relative peak torque of the abdominal and lumbar flexor and extensor muscles in the 24-30 years group was higher than that in the 41-46 years group ( P=0.032, 0.006). The peak torque and the relative peak torque of the abdominal and lumbar flexor muscles in 31-40 years group were higher than those in 41-46 years group ( P=0.008, 0.013). The low qualification rate of peak torque ratio indicated the imbalance between flexor and extensor muscles and the poor endurance of abdominal and lumbar flexor and extensor muscles than that of flexor muscles. There was no statistically significant difference in the endurance ratio of the abdominal and lumbar flexor and extensor muscles among different age groups ( P>0.05). Conclusions:The balance between flexor and extensor muscles of waist and abdominal muscles should be paid more in fighter pilot′s fitness training. For the pilots older than 40 the training targeted to slow the muscles decline is necessary.

作者 蔡涵 [1] 吴立红 [1] 陈志刚 [1] 袁维 [1] 李剑荣 [1] 程姜伟 [1] 龚艳菲 [1] 学术成果认领
作者单位 空军杭州特勤疗养中心疗养一区理疗科,杭州 310007 [1]
栏目名称 论著
DOI 10.3760/cma.j.cn113854-20231201-00124
发布时间 2025-02-25
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