摘要报道西安国际医学中心医院于2021年10月24日收治的1例儿童卒中且最终诊断为Aicardi-Goutières综合征(AGS)患者的临床、影像学、基因、治疗及预后特点。患儿为男性,10岁,因右侧肢体无力10 h余入院,院前完善头颅CT示双额叶及右侧顶叶皮髓交界区多发斑片状钙化,入院体检见手足及颜面多发冻疮,神经系统体检示右侧中枢性面瘫,右侧肢体肌力Ⅳ +级,右侧肢体共济失调,美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表评分为4分。头颅磁共振成像结果示急性脑干梗死,磁共振血管造影未见异常,心脏、颈部血管超声及心电图正常,脑脊液生化及常规检查正常,血常规、生化、凝血、自身抗体系列、甲状腺功能、肿瘤标志物均正常,人类免疫缺陷病毒及梅毒均为阴性,经过口服阿司匹林抗血小板聚集药物及康复锻炼,肌力恢复正常后出院。1个月后患者基因检测结果回报为TREX1基因突变导致的AGS,突变位点为c.58G>A。AGS是一种罕见的自身免疫性遗传性脑病,临床表现具有很大的异质性,当怀疑遗传性疾病时,应积极完善基因检测得以明确诊断。
abstractsThe clinical, imaging, genetic, therapeutic and prognostic features of a case of pediatric stroke who was finally diagnosed with Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) in Xi′an International Medical Center Hospital on October 24, 2021 were reported. A 10-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital due to weakness of the right limb for more than 10 hours. The pre-hospital CT showed multiple patchy calcifications in the bilateral frontal lobe and the right parietal lobe cortex-medullary junction. The physical examination on admission had chilblains on the hands, feet and face. National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Score was 4 points. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed acute brainstem infarction, no abnormality in magnetic resonance angiography, ultrasound and electrocardiogram of heart and neck vessels were normal, cerebrospinal fluid biochemistry and routine examination were normal, blood routine, biochemistry, coagulation, autoantibody series, thyroid function, tumor markers, human immunodeficiency virus and syphilis examinations were normal. After oral administration of aspirin anti-platelet aggregation and rehabilitation exercises, the muscle strength returned to normal and the patient was discharged. One month later, the result of genetic testing was reported as AGS caused by TREX1 gene mutation, and the mutation site is c.58G>A. AGS is a rare autoimmune hereditary encephalopathy with a large heterogeneity of clinical manifestations. When a hereditary disease was suspected, genetic testing should be done.
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