Repair of cervicofacial scar by forehead expansive skin flap double-pedicled with superficial temporal vessels
摘要目的 总结以双侧颞浅动静脉筋膜为蒂的额顶部扩张皮瓣修复男性颌颈部瘢痕的临床效果.方法 2005年7月至2009年6月,应用双蒂颞浅动静脉筋膜轴型皮瓣为13例颌颈部瘢痕男性患者(年龄21~38岁,平均27岁)进行修复治疗.瘢痕面积14 cm×5 cm至32 cm×15 cm.术前应用超声多普勒血流测定仪探测出颞浅动脉及其额、顶分支的位置和走行方向,并选择适当的扩张器备用.Ⅰ期手术:发际缘内正中矢状切口,在额肌及帽状筋膜下进行广泛剥离,形成容纳扩张器的腔隙;置入选定的扩张器.术后1~2周开始向扩张器内注水,间隔3~5d注水1次,注水量与扩张器容量之比为(1.5~3.5):1.Ⅱ期手术:切除颌颈部瘢痕组织,充分松解挛缩,确定瘢痕切除后受区面积;设计以双侧颞浅动静脉为蒂的扩张皮瓣,包括额部皮肤和发际缘头皮,取出扩张器,形成双蒂颞浅动静脉筋膜轴型皮瓣,皮瓣的大小为25 cm × 6 cm至32 cm × 9 cm;将分离好的双蒂颞浅动静脉筋膜轴型皮瓣转移修复创面,供瓣区直接拉拢缝合,形成新的发际线.Ⅲ期手术:Ⅱ期手术后3周,进行皮瓣断蒂和蒂部修整.结果 各期手术顺利.扩张器共注水420-800 ml,平均660 ml;扩张时间3~5个月,平均4个月.皮瓣转移后全部成活,供瓣区均可直接拉拢缝合;颌颈部瘢痕完全切除,重建的胡须自然美观.结论 双蒂颞浅动静脉筋膜轴型扩张皮瓣用于成年男性颌颈部瘢痕修复效果良好,可同时完成胡须重建,修复后面部形态美观.
abstractsObjective To explore the clinical efficacy of using forehead expansive skin flap doublepedicled with superficial temporal vessels for repairing male cervicofacial scar. Methods From July 2005 to June 2009, 13 male patients with an average age of 27 years old (range; 21-38) were operated by the above method. The scar-repairing area was from 14 cm × 5 cm to 32 cm× 15 cm. The procedure was carried out in three stages. Firstly, ultrasound Doppler was used to detect and mark the location and orientation of superficial temporal artery. A proper cavity was created under the forehead muscle and then the appropriate expander embedded through the scalp incision. The expander was expanded first by injecting normal saline at 1 or 2 weeks post-operation. After that, the injection was repeated by 3 or 5 days. The volume ratio of injection to expander was (1. 5 - 3. 5) : 1. Secondly the forehead expansive skin flap was designed with proper hair follicle scalp pedicled by bilateral superficial temporal artery when the expansion was completed. After removal of the expander, the rectangle expansive skin flap with hair follicle scalp was transferred through the double pedicle. The cervicofacial scar was excised according to the size of the transferred expansive skin flap (25 cm ×6 cm to 32 cm ×9 cm). And the flap was adjusted with hair follicle scalp to the middle of the chin area in order to obtain the normal beard appearance. Donor site were closed directly. Thirdly, the pedicle skin flap were cut and restored after one month. Results The volume expanded for each expander ranged from 420 to 800 ml (mean: 660). The average expansion time was 4 months (range: 3 - 5 ). All flaps survived well. Donor site were closed directly. Both chin and beard looked normal. Conclusions Repairing hypertrophic scar and reconstructing beard in cervicofacial area with forehead expansive skin flap pedicled by bilateral superficial temporal artery is a valuable and safe method.The donor site is scarless. And the reconstructed chin and beard are normal both functionally and aesthetically.
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