共23篇1. Cyclodextrin-based supramolecular polymers. 875-82页
作者:Akira,Harada; Yoshinori,Takashima; Hiroyasu,Yamaguchi
3. Carbon nanotube-nanocrystal heterostructures. 1076-98页
作者:Xiaohui,Peng; Jingyi,Chen; James A,Misewich; Stanislaus S,Wong
5. Metallomics: the concept and methodology. 1119-38页
作者:Sandra,Mounicou; Joanna,Szpunar; Ryszard,Lobinski
6. The Drosophila of single-molecule magnetism: [Mn12O12(O2CR)16(H2O)4]. 1011-26页
作者:Rashmi,Bagai; George,Christou
7. Bite angle effects of diphosphines in C-C and C-X bond forming cross coupling reactions. 1099-118页
作者:Mandy-Nicole,Birkholz; Zoraida,Freixa; Piet W N M,van Leeuwen
9. Synthesis and applications of silicon-containing alpha-amino acids. 1002-10页
作者:Matthew,Mortensen; Ralph,Husmann; Elisabetta,Veri; Carsten,Bolm
11. Protonation of transition-metal hydrides: a not so simple process. 957-66页
作者:Maria,Besora; Agustí,Lledós; Feliu,Maseras
12. Solvent effects on stereoselectivity: more than just an environment. 990-1001页
作者:Gianfranco,Cainelli; Paola,Galletti; Daria,Giacomini
13. Thermoresponsive microgel-based materials. 865-74页
作者:L Andrew,Lyon; Zhiyong,Meng; Neetu,Singh; Courtney D,Sorrell; Ashlee,St John
14. Nano- and micro-structured assemblies for encapsulation of food ingredients. 902-12页
作者:Mary Ann,Augustin; Yacine,Hemar
15. (Thio)urea organocatalysis--what can be learnt from anion recognition? 1187-98页
作者:Zhiguo,Zhang; Peter R,Schreiner
16. Recent advances in enantioselective copper-catalyzed 1,4-addition. 1039-75页
作者:Thomas,Jerphagnon; M Gabriella,Pizzuti; Adriaan J,Minnaard; Ben L,Feringa
20. tert-Butanesulfinimines: structure, synthesis and synthetic applications. 1162-86页
作者:Franck,Ferreira; Candice,Botuha; Fabrice,Chemla; Alejandro,Pérez-Luna
21. Molecular recognition of carbohydrates by acyclic receptors employing noncovalent interactions. 935-56页