共28篇1. Infrared and Raman imaging of heterogeneous catalysts. 4615-25页
作者:Eli,Stavitski; Bert M,Weckhuysen
2. Monitoring surface metal oxide catalytic active sites with Raman spectroscopy. 5002-17页
作者:Israel E,Wachs; Charles A,Roberts
3. Hard and soft X-ray microscopy and tomography in catalysis: bridging the different time and length scales. 4741-53页
作者:Jan-Dierk,Grunwaldt; Christian G,Schroer
4. Probing the surfaces of heterogeneous catalysts by in situ IR spectroscopy. 4951-5001页
作者:Carlo,Lamberti; Adriano,Zecchina; Elena,Groppo; Silvia,Bordiga
6. X-ray absorption spectroscopies: useful tools to understand metallorganic frameworks structure and reactivity. 4885-927页
作者:Silvia,Bordiga; Francesca,Bonino; Karl Petter,Lillerud; Carlo,Lamberti
7. UV Raman spectroscopic study on the synthesis mechanism and assembly of molecular sieves. 4794-801页
作者:Fengtao,Fan; Zhaochi,Feng; Can,Li
8. Reporters in the nanoworld: diffusion of single molecules in mesoporous materials. 4731-40页
作者:Jens,Michaelis; Christoph,Bräuchle
9. In situ study on molecular diffusion phenomena in nanoporous catalytic solids. 4864-84页
作者:Christian,Chmelik; Jörg,Kärger
10. Fluorescence micro(spectro)scopy as a tool to study catalytic materials in action. 4703-17页
作者:Gert,De Cremer; Bert F,Sels; Dirk E,De Vos; Johan,Hofkens; Maarten B J,Roeffaers
11. Advanced X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy: in situ catalytic studies. 4754-66页
作者:Jagdeep,Singh; Carlo,Lamberti; Jeroen A,van Bokhoven
12. Methods for in situ spectroscopic probing of the synthesis of a zeolite. 4626-42页
作者:Alexander,Aerts; Christine E A,Kirschhock; Johan A,Martens
14. Single-molecule fluorescence imaging of nanocatalytic processes. 4560-70页
作者:Peng,Chen; Xiaochun,Zhou; Hao,Shen; Nesha May,Andoy; Eric,Choudhary; Kyu-Sung,Han; Guokun,Liu; Weilin,Meng
15. Impact of in situ MAS NMR techniques to the understanding of the mechanisms of zeolite catalyzed reactions. 5018-50页
作者:Irina I,Ivanova; Yuriy G,Kolyagin
16. Light at the interface: the potential of attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy for understanding heterogeneous catalysis in water. 4643-55页
作者:Barbara Louise,Mojet; Sune Dalgaard,Ebbesen; Leon,Lefferts
17. Analysing and understanding the active site by IR spectroscopy. 4928-50页
作者:Alexandre,Vimont; Frédéric,Thibault-Starzyk; Marco,Daturi
18. Resonance Raman and surface- and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy methods to study solid catalysts and heterogeneous catalytic reactions. 4820-44页
作者:Hacksung,Kim; Kathryn M,Kosuda; Richard P,Van Duyne; Peter C,Stair
19. The role of synchrotron radiation in examining the self-assembly of crystalline nanoporous framework materials: from zeolites and aluminophosphates to metal organic hybrids. 4767-82页
作者:Matthew G,O'Brien; Andrew M,Beale; Bert M,Weckhuysen
20. Single-molecule, single-particle fluorescence imaging of TiO2-based photocatalytic reactions. 4802-19页
作者:Takashi,Tachikawa; Tetsuro,Majima
22. Magnetic resonance imaging methods for in situ studies in heterogeneous catalysis. 4585-601页
作者:Anna A,Lysova; Igor V,Koptyug
23. Combining synchrotron-based X-ray techniques with vibrational spectroscopies for the in situ study of heterogeneous catalysts: a view from a bridge. 4845-63页
作者:Mark A,Newton; Wouter,van Beek
24. Chemical imaging of catalytic solids with synchrotron radiation. 4656-72页
作者:Andrew M,Beale; Simon D M,Jacques; Bert M,Weckhuysen