共23篇1. Förster resonance energy transfer and kinesin motor proteins. 1144-55页
作者:Bram,Prevo; Erwin J G,Peterman
3. Visualizing cellular machines with colocalization single molecule microscopy. 1189-200页
作者:Joshua D,Larson; Margaret L,Rodgers; Aaron A,Hoskins
5. Molecular plasmonics for nanoscale spectroscopy. 1230-47页
作者:Matthew D,Sonntag; Jordan M,Klingsporn; Alyssa B,Zrimsek; Bhavya,Sharma; Laura K,Ruvuna; Richard P,Van Duyne
7. Protein induced fluorescence enhancement (PIFE) for probing protein-nucleic acid interactions. 1221-9页
作者:Helen,Hwang; Sua,Myong
9. Ultra-stable organic fluorophores for single-molecule research. 1044-56页
作者:Qinsi,Zheng; Manuel F,Juette; Steffen,Jockusch; Michael R,Wasserman; Zhou,Zhou; Roger B,Altman; Scott C,Blanchard
10. Breaking the concentration limit of optical single-molecule detection. 1014-28页
作者:Phil,Holzmeister; Guillermo P,Acuna; Dina,Grohmann; Philip,Tinnefeld
11. Single molecule methods for the study of catalysis: from enzymes to heterogeneous catalysts. 990-1006页
作者:Kris P F,Janssen; Gert,De Cremer; Robert K,Neely; Alexey V,Kubarev; Jordi,Van Loon; Johan A,Martens; Dirk E,De Vos; Maarten B J,Roeffaers; Johan,Hofkens
12. Alternating-laser excitation: single-molecule FRET and beyond. 1156-71页
作者:Johannes,Hohlbein; Timothy D,Craggs; Thorben,Cordes
13. Photophysical processes in single molecule organic fluorescent probes. 1057-75页
作者:Elana M S,Stennett; Monika A,Ciuba; Marcia,Levitus
14. Single-molecule photophysics, from cryogenic to ambient conditions. 1029-43页
作者:Bolesław,Kozankiewicz; Michel,Orrit
15. Deconstructing the photon stream from single nanocrystals: from binning to correlation. 1287-310页
作者:Jian,Cui; Andrew P,Beyler; Thomas S,Bischof; Mark W B,Wilson; Moungi G,Bawendi
16. Single molecule rotational probing of supercooled liquids. 977-89页
作者:Keewook,Paeng; Laura J,Kaufman
18. Spatiotemporal catalytic dynamics within single nanocatalysts revealed by single-molecule microscopy. 1107-17页
作者:Peng,Chen; Xiaochun,Zhou; Nesha May,Andoy; Kyu-Sung,Han; Eric,Choudhary; Ningmu,Zou; Guanqun,Chen; Hao,Shen
19. Shedding light on protein folding landscapes by single-molecule fluorescence. 1172-88页
作者:Priya R,Banerjee; Ashok A,Deniz
20. Enhanced single-molecule spectroscopy in highly confined optical fields: from λ/2-Fabry-Pérot resonators to plasmonic nano-antennas. 1263-86页
作者:Andreas M,Kern; Dai,Zhang; Marc,Brecht; Alexey I,Chizhik; Antonio Virgilio,Failla; Frank,Wackenhut; Alfred J,Meixner
21. How to switch a fluorophore: from undesired blinking to controlled photoswitching. 1076-87页
作者:Sebastian,van de Linde; Markus,Sauer