共14篇1. Interactions between drought and O3 stress in forest trees. 11-7页
作者:R,Matyssek; D,Le Thiec; M,Löw; P,Dizengremel; A J,Nunn; K-H,Häberle
2. Phylogeny of the genus Peperomia (Piperaceae) inferred from the trnK/matK region (cpDNA). 93-102页
作者:S,Wanke; M-S,Samain; L,Vanderschaeve; G,Mathieu; P,Goetghebeur; C,Neinhuis
3. Costs of reproduction as related to the timing of phenological phases in the dioecious Shrub Pistacia lentiscus L. 103-11页
作者:R,Milla; P,Castro-Díez; M,Maestro-Martínez; G,Montserrat-Martí
4. Developmental anatomy and morphology of the ovule and seed of heliconia (heliconiaceae, zingiberales). 143-54页
作者:D G,Simão; V L,Scatena; F,Bouman
7. Variability in fruit and seed morphology among and within populations of Plathymenia (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) in areas of the Cerrado, the Atlantic forest, and transitional sites. 112-9页
作者:M Figueiredo,Goulart; J,Pires Lemos Filho; M B,Lovato
8. Parameters for cellular viability and membrane function in chenopodium cells show a specific response of extracellular pH to heat shock with extreme Q10. 42-51页
作者:A,Chaidee; W,Pfeiffer
11. Deletion of core components of the plastid protein import machinery causes differential arrest of embryo development in Arabidopsis thaliana. 18-30页
作者:B,Hust; M,Gutensohn
12. Cadmium hyperaccumulation and reproductive traits in natural Thlaspi caerulescens populations. 64-72页
作者:N,Basic; C,Keller; P,Fontanillas; P,Vittoz; G,Besnard; N,Galland