共15篇1. Massive uprooting of Littorella uniflora (L.) Asch. during a storm event and its relation to sediment and plant characteristics. 955-62页
作者:P,Spierenburg; E C H E T,Lucassen; C,Pulido; A J P,Smolders; J G M,Roelofs
2. Functional characterisation of wheat Pgip genes reveals their involvement in the local response to wounding. 1019-24页
作者:M,Janni; T,Bozzini; I,Moscetti; C,Volpi; R,D'Ovidio
3. Responses of antioxidant enzymes to cold and high light are not correlated to freezing tolerance in natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. 982-90页
作者:H,Distelbarth; T,Nägele; A G,Heyer
5. Comparative demography of two co-occurring Linum species with different distribution patterns. 963-70页
6. Carbohydrate accumulation may be the proximate trigger of anthocyanin biosynthesis under autumn conditions in Begonia semperflorens. 991-1000页
作者:K M,Zhang; Z,Li; Y,Li; Y H,Li; D Z,Kong; R H,Wu
7. Changes in the population of seed bacteria of transgenerationally Cd-exposed Arabidopsis thaliana. 971-81页
作者:S,Truyens; N,Weyens; A,Cuypers; J,Vangronsveld
9. Effect of silencing the two major tomato fruit pectin methylesterase isoforms on cell wall pectin metabolism. 1025-32页
作者:B,Wen; A,Ström; A,Tasker; G,West; G A,Tucker
10. Mating system in Mexican populations of the annual herb Solanum rostratum Dunal (Solanaceae). 948-54页
作者:M,Vallejo-Marín; L,Solís-Montero; D,Souto Vilaros; M Y Q,Lee
11. The roles of female and hermaphroditic flowers in the gynodioecious-gynomonoecious Silene littorea: insights into the phenology of sex expression. 941-7页
作者:I,Casimiro-Soriguer; M L,Buide; E,Narbona
12. Physiological and biotechnological implications of transcript-level variation under abiotic stress. 925-30页
作者:D H,Sanchez