共17篇1. Is there a missing link? Effects of root herbivory on plant-pollinator interactions and reproductive output in a monocarpic species. 156-63页
作者:C,Ghyselen; D,Bonte; R,Brys
2. Genetic and reproductive characterisation of seasonal flowering morphs of Gentianella bohemica revealed strong reproductive isolation and possible single origin. 111-23页
作者:K,Plenk; F,Göd; M,Kriechbaum; M,Kropf
4. Efficiency of pollination and satiation of predators determine reproductive output in Iberian Juniperus thurifera woodlands. 147-55页
作者:E T,Mezquida; E,Rodríguez-García; J M,Olano
5. Pollination biology from micro-morphological adaptations to community ecology of plant-pollinator interactions. 3-8页
作者:A,Dafni; N J,Vereecken
7. Reproductive biology and nectar production of the Mexican endemic Psittacanthus auriculatus (Loranthaceae), a hummingbird-pollinated mistletoe. 73-83页
作者:M J,Pérez-Crespo; J F,Ornelas; S,Martén-Rodríguez; A,González-Rodríguez; C,Lara
8. Apomixis does not affect visitation to flowers of Melastomataceae, but pollen sterility does. 132-8页
作者:F R,Maia; I G,Varassin; R,Goldenberg
9. Competition for pollinators and intra-communal spectral dissimilarity of flowers. 56-62页
作者:C J,van der Kooi; I,Pen; M,Staal; D G,Stavenga; J T M,Elzenga
10. From dusk till dawn: nocturnal and diurnal pollination in the epiphyte Tillandsia heterophylla (Bromeliaceae). 37-45页
作者:P A,Aguilar-Rodríguez; T,Krömer; J G,García-Franco; M C,MacSwiney G
11. The importance of pollinators and autonomous self-fertilisation in the early stages of plant invasions: Banksia and Hakea (Proteaceae) as case studies. 124-31页
作者:D,Moodley; S,Geerts; D M,Richardson; J R U,Wilson
12. Floral diversity and pollination strategies of three rheophytic Schismatoglottideae (Araceae). 84-97页
作者:S L,Low; S Y,Wong; I H,Ooi; M,Hesse; Y,Städler; J,Schönenberger; P C,Boyce
13. Floral nectar production and nectary structure of a bee-pollinated shrub from Neotropical savanna. 26-36页
作者:E,Guimarães; A,Nogueira; S R,Machado
14. A direct assessment of realized seed and pollen flow within and between two isolated populations of the food-deceptive orchid Orchis mascula. 139-46页
作者:K,Helsen; T,Meekers; G,Vranckx; I,Roldán-Ruiz; K,Vandepitte; O,Honnay
15. Bees, birds and yellow flowers: pollinator-dependent convergent evolution of UV patterns. 46-55页
作者:S,Papiorek; R R,Junker; I,Alves-Dos-Santos; G A R,Melo; L P,Amaral-Neto; M,Sazima; M,Wolowski; L,Freitas; K,Lunau