共20篇1. Both JrWRKY2 and JrWRKY7 of Juglans regia mediate responses to abiotic stresses and abscisic acid through formation of homodimers and interaction. 268-278页
作者:G,Yang; W,Zhang; Z,Liu; A-Y,Yi-Maer; M,Zhai; Z,Xu
2. Assessing the role of endophytic bacteria in the halophyte Arthrocnemum macrostachyum salt tolerance. 249-256页
作者:S,Navarro-Torre; J M,Barcia-Piedras; E,Mateos-Naranjo; S,Redondo-Gómez; M,Camacho; M A,Caviedes; E,Pajuelo; I D,Rodríguez-Llorente
3. Comparative germination responses to water potential across different populations of Aegilops geniculata and cultivar varieties of Triticum durum and Triticum aestivum. 165-171页
作者:S,Orsenigo; F,Guzzon; T,Abeli; G,Rossi; I,Vagge; A,Balestrazzi; A,Mondoni; J V,Müller
4. Environmental gradients shape the genetic structure of two medicinal Salvia species in Jordan. 227-238页
作者:M M,Al-Gharaibeh; H R,Hamasha; C,Rosche; S,Lachmuth; K,Wesche; I,Hensen
5. Influence of altitude on local adaptation in upland tree species from central Argentina. 123-131页
作者:P I,Marcora; P A,Tecco; S R,Zeballos; I,Hensen
6. Karyotype diversity and genome size variation in Neotropical Maxillariinae orchids. 298-308页
作者:A P,Moraes; S,Koehler; J S,Cabral; S S L,Gomes; L F,Viccini; F,Barros; L P,Felix; M,Guerra; E R,Forni-Martins
7. Photosynthetically active radiation and carbon gain drives the southern orientation of Myrtillocactus geometrizans fruits. 279-285页
作者:A,Ponce-Bautista; P L,Valverde; J,Flores; A,Zavala-Hurtado; F,Vite; G,López-Ortega; M A,Pérez-Hernández
8. Comparative reproductive biology and pollinator specificity among sympatric Gomesa (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae). 147-155页
作者:E R,Pansarin; I,Alves-Dos-Santos; L M,Pansarin
9. Competitive interactions are mediated in a sex-specific manner by arbuscular mycorrhiza in Antennaria dioica. 217-226页
作者:S,Varga; R,Vega-Frutis; M-M,Kytöviita
10. Abscisic acid regulates seed germination of Vellozia species in response to temperature. 211-216页
作者:B C,Vieira; E M,Bicalho; S,Munné-Bosch; Q S,Garcia
11. Plasticity in seedling morphology, biomass allocation and physiology among ten temperate tree species in response to shade is related to shade tolerance and not leaf habit. 172-182页
作者:D J,Chmura; J,Modrzyński; P,Chmielarz; M G,Tjoelker
12. Inter- and intraspecific diversity in Cistus L. (Cistaceae) seeds, analysed with computer vision techniques. 183-190页
作者:M,Lo Bianco; O,Grillo; E,Cañadas; G,Venora; G,Bacchetta
13. Mixed pollen load and late-acting self-incompatibility flexibility in Adenocalymma peregrinum (Miers) L.G. Lohmann (Bignonieae: Bignoniaceae). 140-146页
作者:M O,Duarte; C,Mendes-Rodrigues; M F,Alves; P E,Oliveira; D S,Sampaio
14. Methodological bias in the seed bank flora holds significant implications for understanding seed bank community functions. 201-210页
作者:J,Plue; F,Colas; A G,Auffret; S A O,Cousins
15. Pollination biology of the hexaploid self-compatible species Turnera velutina (Passifloraceae). 101-107页
作者:P,Sosenski; S E,Ramos; C A,Domínguez; K,Boege; J,Fornoni
16. Petal micromorphology and its relationship to pollination. 115-122页
作者:V B S,Costa; R M M,Pimentel; M G S,Chagas; G D,Alves; C C,Castro
18. Disentangling the photochemical salinity tolerance in Aster tripolium L.: connecting biophysical traits with changes in fatty acid composition. 239-248页
作者:B,Duarte; M T,Cabrita; C,Gameiro; A R,Matos; R,Godinho; J C,Marques; I,Caçador