共17篇1. Sex ratio rather than population size affects genetic diversity in Antennaria dioica. 789-796页
作者:C,Rosche; K,Schrieber; S,Lachmuth; W,Durka; H,Hirsch; V,Wagner; M,Schleuning; I,Hensen
2. Comparative intra- and interspecific sexual organ reciprocity in four distylous Primula species in the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains. 643-653页
作者:H-D,Li; Z-X,Ren; W,Zhou; P,Bernhardt; Y-H,Zhao; Z-K,Wu; D-Z,Li; H,Wang
3. Zinc deficiency tolerance in maize is associated with the up-regulation of Zn transporter genes and antioxidant activities. 765-770页
作者:M A,Khatun; M M,Hossain; M A,Bari; K M,Abdullahil; M S,Parvez; M F,Alam; A H,Kabir
4. Reference genes for RT-qPCR normalisation in different tissues, developmental stages and stress conditions of amaranth. 713-721页
作者:F P,Vera Hernández; M,Martínez Núñez; M,Ruiz Rivas; R E,Vázquez Portillo; M D,Bibbins Martínez; S,Luna Suárez; F de F,Rosas Cárdenas
5. Piriformospora indica inoculation alleviates the adverse effect of NaCl stress on growth, gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). 729-736页
作者:A,Ghorbani; S M,Razavi; V O,Ghasemi Omran; H,Pirdashti
6. Differential effect of drought regimes on the seedling performance of six floodplain grassland species. 691-697页
作者:K,Ludewig; J M,Hanke; B,Wuthe; A,Otte; E,Mosner; R L,Eckstein; T W,Donath
7. Functional dimorphic enantiostyly in monomorphic enantiostylous species of the subtribe Cassiinae (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae). 797-801页
作者:N M,Almeida; J T,Souza; C R S,Oliveira; T T,Bezerra; R R,Novo; J A,Siqueira Filho; P E,Oliveira; C C,Castro
8. Seed dispersal in the mycoheterotrophic orchid Yoania japonica: Further evidence for endozoochory by camel crickets. 707-712页
9. The pattern of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase induction in the tomato leaf petiole abscission zone is independent of expression of the ribonuclease-LX-encoding LeLX gene. 722-728页
作者:M,Chersicola; A,Kladnik; M,Tušek Žnidarič; A,Lers; M,Dermastia
10. Sensitivity cycling in physically dormant seeds of the Neotropical tree Senna multijuga (Fabaceae). 698-706页
作者:A G,Rodrigues-Junior; C C,Baskin; J M,Baskin; Q S,Garcia
13. High levels of fecundity in small and isolated populations of a self-compatible Aloe pollinated by opportunistic birds and bees. 780-788页
作者:K L,Patrick; S D,Johnson; K J,Duffy
14. Transgenerational plasticity in Silene vulgaris in response to three types of stress. 751-758页
作者:T M,Sandner; J L,van Braak; D,Matthies
15. Thesium linophyllon parasitizes and suppresses expansive Calamagrostis epigejos. 759-764页
作者:I,Somodi; Á,Vadkerti; J,Těšitel