共21篇2. Albinism in plants - far beyond the loss of chlorophyll: Structural and physiological aspects of wild-type and albino royal poinciana (Delonix regia) seedlings. 761-768页
作者:L A S,Silva; V F,Sampaio; L C S,Barbosa; M,Machado; D N A,Flores-Borges; J F,Sales; D C,de Oliveira; J L S,Mayer; V C,Kuster; D I,Rocha
3. Plant growth-promoting endophytic bacteria augment growth and salinity tolerance in rice plants. 850-862页
作者:M A,Khan; S,Asaf; A L,Khan; A,Adhikari; R,Jan; S,Ali; M,Imran; K-M,Kim; I-J,Lee
4. Environmental stressors affect sex ratios in sexually dimorphic plant sexual systems. 890-898页
作者:S,Varga; C D,Soulsbury
5. Arbuscular mycorrhiza influences carbon-use efficiency and grain yield of wheat grown under pre- and post-anthesis salinity stress. 863-871页
作者:Ç G,Eroğlu; C,Cabral; S,Ravnskov; H,Bak Topbjerg; B,Wollenweber
6. Extranuptial nectaries in flowers: ants increase the reproductive success of the ant-plant Miconia tococa (Melastomataceae). 917-923页
作者:H C,Belan; G J,Barônio; V C,Kuster; D C,Oliveira; H L,Vasconcelos
7. Secondary origin, hybridization and sexual reproduction in a diploid-tetraploid contact zone of the facultatively apomictic orchid Zygopetalum mackayi. 939-948页
作者:Y A,Moura; A,Alves-Pereira; C C,da Silva; L M,Souza; A P,de Souza; S,Koehler
8. Effects of plant age on performance of the tropical perennial fodder grass, Cenchrus ciliaris L. subjected to elevated ultraviolet-B radiation. 805-812页
作者:A,Hamid; S,Singh; M,Agrawal; S B,Agrawal
9. Reproductive biology and pollinators in two enantiostylous Qualea species (Vochysiaceae) in the Brazilian Cerrado. 872-880页
作者:J M,Morais; H N,Consolaro; L L,Bergamini; V,Ferrero
10. Influence of light, dark, temperature and drought on metabolite and ion composition in nectar and nectaries of an epiphytic bromeliad species (Aechmea fasciata). 781-793页
作者:T,Göttlinger; G,Lohaus
11. The Ca<sup>2+</sup> -regulated protein kinase CIPK1 integrates plant responses to phosphate deficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana. 753-760页
作者:X,Lu; X,Li; D,Xie; C,Jiang; C,Wang; L,Li; Y,Zhang; H,Tian; H,Gao; C,Wang
12. Floral scent evolution in the section Pseudophrys: pollinator-mediated selection or phylogenetic constraints? 881-889页
作者:N,Joffard; V,Arnal; B,Buatois; B,Schatz; C,Montgelard
13. Metabolic regulation of polyamines and γ-aminobutyric acid in relation to spermidine-induced heat tolerance in white clover. 794-804页
作者:L,Luo; Z,Li; M Y,Tang; B Z,Cheng; W H,Zeng; Y,Peng; G,Nie; X Q,Zhang
14. Transpiration difference under high evaporative demand in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) may be explained by differences in the water transport pathway in the root cylinder. 769-780页
作者:K,Sivasakthi; M,Tharanya; M,Zaman-Allah; J,Kholová; T,Thirunalasundari; V,Vadez
15. Heavy metal pollution improves allelopathic effects of Canada goldenrod on lettuce germination. 832-838页
作者:M,Wei; S,Wang; B,Wu; H,Cheng; C,Wang
16. Reproductive isolation between wild and domesticated chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) in sympatry. 932-938页
作者:M A,Munguía-Rosas; M E,Jácome-Flores
17. The least effective pollinator principle: specialized morphology despite generalized ecology. 924-931页
作者:A,Pauw; A A,Cocucci; A N,Sérsic
18. Genome-wide identification and characterization of microRNAs responding to ABA and GA in maize embryos during seed germination. 949-957页
作者:J,Liu; X,Guo; T,Zhai; A,Shu; L,Zhao; Z,Liu; S,Zhang
19. The effects of microcystin-LR in Oryza sativa root cells: F-actin as a new target of cyanobacterial toxicity. 839-849页
作者:D,Pappas; S,Gkelis; E,Panteris