共18篇1. Simulated global climate change benefits the nutritive value of oat grass. 846-853页
作者:Y-M,Tang; Sh-N,Qiu; Q-Y,Li; G-L,Di; J-L,Wang; H-X,Sun
2. The importance of shoot morphological plasticity on plant coexistence: a pot experiment. 791-797页
作者:H K,Hermlin; M,Lepik; K,Zobel
3. Sphagnum bleaching: Bicarbonate 'toxicity' and tolerance for seven Sphagnum species. 780-790页
作者:A H W,Koks; C,Fritz; A J P,Smolders; K,Rehlmeyer; J T M,Elzenga; S,Krosse; L P M,Lamers; G,van Dijk
4. Inbred progeny of tall fescue infected with Epichloë fungal endophyte have a high defence compound content and no depression in seed set. 827-835页
作者:A,Raahbar; M R,Sabzalian; S A M,Mirmohammady Maibody; M,Zarean
5. Initial oak regeneration responses to experimental warming along microclimatic and macroclimatic gradients. 745-757页
作者:C,Meeussen; K,De Pauw; P,Sanczuk; J,Brunet; S A O,Cousins; C,Gasperini; P-O,Hedwall; G,Iacopetti; J,Lenoir; J,Plue; F,Selvi; F,Spicher; J,Uria Diez; K,Verheyen; P,Vangansbeke; P,De Frenne
6. Transcriptome dissection of candidate genes associated with lentil seed quality traits. 815-826页
作者:J,Song; I,Mavraganis; W,Shen; H,Yang; D,Cram; D,Xiang; N,Patterson; J,Zou
7. Ectopic expression of BrIQD35 promotes drought stress tolerance in Nicotiana benthamiana. 887-896页
作者:J,Yuan; Z,Yu; Y,Li; S H A,Shah; D,Xiao; X,Hou; Y,Li
8. Different effects of warming treatments in forests versus hedgerows on the understorey plant Geum urbanum. 734-744页
作者:P,Fernández-Fernández; P,Sanczuk; T,Vanneste; J,Brunet; J,Ehrlén; P-O,Hedwall; K,Hylander; S,Van Den Berge; K,Verheyen; P,De Frenne
9. Spatial origin of the extracellular ATP-induced cytosolic calcium signature in Arabidopsis thaliana roots: wave formation and variation with phosphate nutrition. 863-873页
作者:E,Matthus; K A,Wilkins; A,Mohammad-Sidik; Y,Ning; J M,Davies
10. Cell death signalling is competitively but coordinately regulated by repressor-type and activator-type ethylene response factors in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants. 897-909页
作者:T,Ogata; Y,Tsukahara; T,Ito; M,Iimura; K,Yamazaki; N,Sasaki; Y,Matsushita
11. Seasonal shifts in isoprenoid emission composition from three hyperdominant tree species in central Amazonia. 721-733页
作者:E,Gomes Alves; T,Taylor; M,Robin; D,Pinheiro Oliveira; J,Schietti; S,Duvoisin Júnior; N,Zannoni; J,Williams; C,Hartmann; J F C,Gonçalves; J,Schöngart; F,Wittmann; M T F,Piedade
12. Horizontal orientation facilitates pollen transfer and rain damage avoidance in actinomorphic flowers of Platycodon grandiflorus. 798-805页
作者:T,Nakata; I,Rin; Y A,Yaida; A,Ushimaru
13. Identification and analysis of HD-Zip genes involved in the leaf development of Liriodendron chinense using multidimensional analysis. 874-886页
作者:Z,Tu; L,Yu; S,Wen; X,Zhai; W,Li; H,Li
14. Enhanced nitrate reductase activity offers Arabidopsis ecotype Landsberg erecta better salt stress resistance than Col-0. 854-862页
作者:S,Lee; J H,Choi; H A,Truong; Y J,Lee; H,Lee
15. Stomatal conductance, not biochemistry, drives low temperature acclimation of photosynthesis in Populus balsamifera, regardless of nitrogen availability. 766-779页
作者:R S,Kong; D A,Way; H A L,Henry; N G,Smith
16. Comparative seed longevity under genebank storage and artificial ageing: a case study in heteromorphic wheat wild relatives. 836-845页
作者:M,Gianella; A,Balestrazzi; A,Ravasio; A,Mondoni; A,Börner; F,Guzzon