共8篇1. Correlation of mixed-function oxidase activity with ultrastructural changes in the liver of a marine fish. 95-103页
作者:W P,Schoor; J A,Couch
2. Effect of pH and buffers on insulin binding to normal and neoplastic mammary cells, fat cells and membrane preparations. 51-7页
作者:S M,Shafie; J M,Cech; J N,Livingston; R,Hilf
3. Bioassay for thymic extracts: guinea pig spleen lymphocytes-rabbit red blood cells rosette method. 69-74页
作者:R,Falchetti; C,Cafiero; L,Caprino
4. Single cell analysis of changes in electrokinetic properties of a growing ascitic tumor. 79-85页
作者:P,Bischoff; F,Robert; M,Donner