共9篇2. An analysis of nuclear and chromatin proteins in rat livers exhibiting hyperplastic growth induced by chemical carcinogens. 291-9页
作者:G J,Smith; C M,De Luca
4. Plasma membranes from normal and chronic myeloid leukemic granulocytes: isolation and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis. 333-42页
作者:S M,Zingde; A M,Mungikar; V,Chhajlani; S H,Advani; B P,Gothoskar
5. Synthesis and study of spin-labeled nitrosoureas. 343-8页
作者:Z,Raikov; D,Todorov; M,Ilarionova; G,Demirov; T,Tsanova; D,Kafalieva
6. Detection of lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) in a human hepatoma cell line. 301-7页
作者:E,Koren; W J,McConathy; A G,Lacko; B,Knowles
7. Ultraviolet radiation-induced derepression of the lactose operon of E. coli. 325-31页
作者:M,Spodheim-Maurizot; F,Culard; M,Charlier; J C,Maurizot